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title update

In the very near future, BLOK DROP U will be receiving its first title update. While it won’t introduce any additional content, RCMADIAX has implemented a number of changes to improve upon the core experience.

I was recently given the opportunity to try out BLOK DROP U’s impending update. For some quick impressions, head past the break.

Disney Magical World is out today. So to is a patch for the game, which “adds several messages to clarify and optimize your experience”. The 1.1 update weighs in at 520 blocks.


Fuzzy Wuzzy Games has sent out a precheck version of Armillo to Nintendo. It’s another step towards the game’s release, which is expected to take place next month.

Fuzzy Wuzzy shared the status update on Twitter a few moments ago, while also noting that Miiverse integration will likely be added to the game in a future update.

Below are all of the relevant tweets:


Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams’ patch has been submitted for approval, Black Forest Games has confirmed.

As noted by the studio on Twitter earlier today:

At present, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams does not emit sound when playing on the GamePad. The game’s upcoming patch should address this.


RCMADIAX tweeted out a few more screenshots from BLOK DROP U’s upcoming update. You can find them below.


BLOK DROP U’s first update is almost completed, RCMADIAX has said.

The developer plans to test the patch tomorrow. Assuming everything goes as planned, it will then be submitted to Nintendo on Monday.

RCMADIAX wrote on Twitter:


Retro City Rampage: DX’s first update will launch tomorrow, Vblank Entertainment has confirmed. A trailer for the patch can be found above.


Earlier today, RCMADIAX posted yet another screenshot from BLOK DROP U’s upcoming update. We’re given a look at the new level select menu this time around.

Today’s screenshot is of the new level select menu. You will notice that a yellow star is given to the stages that you have completed and SAVED! That’s right, a save feature is also being added to the game. As always, feedback and comments are welcome! Thanks for the continued support.



Miiverse has received another small update today. Two small changes have been first.

First, users will now be directed to the Communities screen when logging in to Miiverse on the web. Second, those without Nintendo Network IDs can now view all popular posts as well as comments on those posts.

Here’s the official update news from Miiverse’s Marty:

Update: Fixes a bug within the game:

Fixes an issue where, upon completing level 3-3 – Frantic Fields, the path to level 3-4 – Scorch ‘n’ Torch would not open up, preventing players from proceeding with the game

Original: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze has received a new update: version 1.1.0. Thing is, we’re not quite sure what it does at present! If we obtain any information, we’ll update this post.


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