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rune factory 5 english localization interview

Rune Factory 5 has technically been around for a year, but only in Japan. But just this week, the game made its debut in North America and Europe thanks to the localization efforts of XSEED.

John Wheeler, Lori Snyder, and Katherine Sargent are some of the key people behind Rune Factory 5’s English version as they contributed to the project as the localization manager, assistant localization manager, and localization editor respectively. Recently, we were able to catch up with them to talk more about their work. You can read our full discussion below for insight into the localization of Rune Factory 5.

nintendo pc

With more and more companies around the world from a variety of backgrounds, philosophies, and talents merging and being bought up, making sure content offerings are plentiful while still remaining strategically available and accessible is becoming more and more important. Since 2020, the pandemic has completely changed the way we consume media on just about every platform and device available, whether it’s your Kindle, smart TV, mobile device, Xbox, or just about anything that has a screen on it these days. Formerly closed and proprietary devices such as Xbox, for example, have gone on to create their own Xbox Game Pass subscription service that has been wildly successful, seeing millions of active users and subscribers each month not only on Xbox devices, but allowing games available on the service to be played outside of the console as well. The Xbox experience has become more accessible than ever, and it’s through this strategy that is allowing Microsoft to pave the way forward for innovation within games distribution and consumption without borders.

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This week, Nintendo dropped a new Switch firmware update with significant functionality. Version 14.0.0 has introduced something called groups, which is a way for system owners to organize their games and other content on the home menu. It’s the closest thing we have to folders at the moment.

With groups, you can organize things in pretty much any way you’d like. Some are choosing to create them based on their favorite games, different games in a particular franchise, and more.

We’re curious to see how you’ve arranged your groups, so feel free to share screenshots below. You can also tell us about by writing a comment.

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Nintendo Everything recently had the opportunity to speak with Shiro Maekawa, the director of Rune Factory 5. We discussed a variety of topics including the lengthy wait since the series’ previous entry, the inclusion of same-sex relationships, and more. Maekawa also expressed interest in remakes / remasters of previous titles and indicated that it won’t be another ten years for a new Rune Factory game.

You can read our full discussion with Maekawa below. 

kirby timeline

The Washington Post published a new interview today with some of the key developers behind the Kirby series, and some interesting discussion came about when they were asked about a possible timeline or thread that ties the different entries together. 

It actually turns out that “there is no clear timeline for the game stories”, according to HAL Laboratory general director Shinya Kumazaki. Kumazaki explained that this is done so that the development team “constrained by past settings”.

His full words regarding a possibly Kirby timeline are as follows:

world war z switch update

Saber Interactive has announced that it has just released a new update for the Switch version of World War Z.

Version 1.08 is highlighted by the Marseille story campaign episode as well as the infamous Horde Mode Z. The mode throws waves of progressively challenging enemies at teams of up to four squadmates, with increasingly greater rewards for surviving.

Here’s a teaser for Marseille:

masahiro sakurai smash bros wii u 3ds

On its website today, Nintendo published a new piece with Masahiro Sakurai in which he reflects on the character reveals in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U / 3DS. The game’s director talks about what went into the trailers for new fighters on the main roster as well as DLC.

Here’s the full piece:

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Rune Factory 5

nintendo direct september 2021 pre-order

It’s time for the latest North American Nintendo Download report for the week of March 24, 2022. The latest releases include Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Crystar, Ikai, and more.

Here’s the full lineup:

Nintendo has just shared a new Ask the Developer article for Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Kei Ninomya, the game’s associate producer, Shinya Kumazaki, the general supervisor and writer, Tatsuya Kamiyama, the director and Yuki Endo, the level design director, have all participated in the discussion to provide some more insight on the development of the game.

There’s a lot of neat insight offered into techniques used to make Kirby’s transition into 3D feel as smooth as possible, as well as discussion over the tone and setting of the game.

Have a look at the full developer interview below:

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