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Pokemon Scarlet Violet Garchomp location

Garchomp makes a return in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and we now have information about the location of this powerful pseudo-Legendary Pokemon.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Ditto location

Ditto makes a return in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and we now have information about its location and how to identify it in the games.

Ahead of its release, Square Enix have unveiled the launch trailer for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion. The game is due to arrive on Switch on December 13.

Catch up on the game with the overview below:

Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom review

System: Switch
Release Date: November 4, 2022
Developer: Marvelous
Publisher: Bandai Namco

Over the last few years, life and farm sims have been steadily growing in popularity and, with critically acclaimed titles such as Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing: New Horizons also on Switch, standing out amongst the crowd is a difficult thing to do. If there is any franchise equipped to do this in modern times, however, it would be Story of Seasons – one of the oldest and largest farm sim series that has been around since the SNES, and has seen several installments as well as spin-offs such as Rune Factory over its lifetime. Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom is another such offshoot, taking the traditional Story of Seasons gameplay and blending it with the world of Doraemon, which is an extremely iconic franchise in Japan. But is this a match made in heaven?

pokemon scarlet violet eevee location

Eevee and its evolutions make a return in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and we now have information about the location of this often-elusive, highly sought-after Pokemon.

Publisher QubicGames have released a launch trailer for Blade of Darkness. Originally released back in 2001, the hack-and-slash title is now available for Switch via the eShop.

Here’s an overview of the game, and the trailer:

Ahead of its release later this week on Switch, Capcom have released full patch notes for the next Free Title Update for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. As expected, this brings with it a large number of adjustments, fixes, and quality of life improvements, alongside the new content previously announced. The size of the patch will be 0.7GB total. Full details can be found below:

The wait is finally over for Pokemon fans as the newest games, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, have now released worldwide on the Switch, and Nintendo have dropped a short launch trailer to celebrate the occasion.

In case you missed our previous coverage, catch up on the games with the overview below:

A new update has gone live for Gamedec, bringing with it a variety of fixes for the various chapters in the game. It also introduces 4 free skins for the player’s avatar, as well as minor localisation fixes. Full details can be found below:

A new update has gone live for Pikmin Bloom. This is relatively minor, allowing you to share your Pikmin from the details screen, as well as some small improvements to the mechanics surrounding the Weekly Challenge. Full details can be found below:

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