Dead or School planned for release in Japan in August, physical version confirmed
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 0 comments
In July of last year, Studio Nanafushi announced Dead or School, a side-scrolling action game with RPG elements, for Nintendo Switch. Today, they shared an update on the game’s development. The Switch version is planned for a release in Japan in August. A physical version of the game will also be available. A Western release has not yet been confirmed; however, the Steam version of the game, which is already out, features English text, so it’s certainly possible that the Switch version will be released outside Japan as well.
More: Dead or School, Studio Nanafushi
Overcooked 2: Chinese New Year update out now
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
The developers of Overcooked 2 recently teased a new update coming to the game. We now have some more concrete info thanks to the following trailer:
The “Chinese New Year” update includes a new map with seven new levels, two new recipes (fruit platter and hot pot), two new chefs (Chinese dragon and pig) and a new game mode, Survival Mode, in which every dish you serve adds seconds to a timer, and when that timer reaches zero, it’s game over. Finally, a replay button was added to the results screen, allowing you to immediately replay a level. The update also includes several bug fixes and other minor improvements.
More: Ghost Town Games, Overcooked 2, Team 17, title update
UK software sales (Week ending 2/2/2019) – Switch/Wii U/3DS charts
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News, Switch, Wii U | 0 comments
This week’s Switch/ Wii U/3DS-specific UK software sales are as follows:
1. New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe – Nintendo
2. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – Nintendo
3. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Nintendo
4. Super Mario Party – Nintendo
5. Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Nintendo
6. Super Mario Odyssey – Nintendo
7. Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu – Nintendo
8. Minecraft – Nintendo
9. Splatoon 2 – Nintendo
10. Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee – Nintendo
Wii U
1. Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Nintendo
2. Mario Party 10 – Nintendo
3. Zelda: The Wind Waker HD – Nintendo
4. Super Mario 3D World – Nintendo
5. Just Dance 2019 – Nintendo
6. Zelda: Twilight Princess HD – Nintendo
7. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed – SEGA
8. New Super Mario Bros. U + Luigi U – Nintendo
9. Minecraft: Wii U Edition – Nintendo
10. Legend of Kay Anniversary – THQ Nordic
1. Mario Kart 7 – Nintendo
2. Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story + Bowser Jr.’s Journey – Nintendo
3. Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Nintendo
4. Super Mario 3D Land – Nintendo
5. New Super Mario Bros. 2 – Nintendo
6. Super Mario Maker – Nintendo
7. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D – Nintendo
8. Luigi’s Mansion 2 – Nintendo
9. Tomodachi Life – Nintendo
10. Pokemon Ultra Sun – Nintendo
Source: Chart-Track
More: Chart-Track, charts, sales, UK
UK software sales (Week ending 2/2/2019)
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 0 comments
More: Chart-Track, charts, sales, UK
ARMS Party Crash Bash – round 6 results
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Round 6 of the ARMS Party Crash Bash has finished. Ribbon Girl was victorious, beating out Misango 54%-46%.
Ribbon Girl will move on to round 2 of the Party Crash Bash where she will face-off against Ninjara. Remember that Mechanica vs. Master Mummy will battle it out next, and the winner will be facing-off against Dr. Coyle in round 2.
Thanks to Magitroopa for the tip.
More: Arms
Wizard’s Symphony: lots of gameplay footage
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Arc System Works has released a whole bunch of gameplay-focused videos for their dungeon-crawling RPG Wizard’s Symphony, which will be released on Nintendo Switch in Japan later this month, on February 28th. The first video below shows some conversations that can occur between your party members when exploring a dungeon, while the other videos focus on various aspects of the combat system:
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night has been rated by the ESRB
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 0 comments
It seems like we are finally getting close to the release of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. Koji Igarashi’s spiritual successor to the Castlevania series has recently been rated by the ESRB. Usually, this means that a game is at least somewhat close to being released as a near-final build had to have been submitted to the ratings board. Bloodstained has received a “T” rating for “Blood, Partial Nudity and Violence”. Here’s the ESRB’s rating summary:
This is an action role-playing game in which players assume the role of Miriam, a cursed orphan who must battle her way through a demon-infested castle. As players traverse side-scrolling environments, they use swords, spears, pistols, and whips to battle fantastical creatures (e.g., harpies; spiked armor; demon-like birds, rodents, dogs) in melee-style combat. In one sequence, players encounter a boss character emerging from a bathtub full of blood; her magic attacks can cause blood to rain down on players and stain the walls and ceilings. Another sequence depicts an impaled corpse, with blood flowing heavily into a large fountain pool. The game also depicts a topless female boss creature (no discernible nipples).
Officially, the current release date for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a vague “2019”. In late December last year, Igarashi said that the game’s development “has reached its peak”. Hopefully, a final release date announcement isn’t too far off now.
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders launch trailer
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders is out today on Nintendo Switch. To celebrate the occasion, Bandai Namco shared a launch trailer for the game:
Nintendo says there has been no change in their policy regarding how they reveal information
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
It has been a couple of months since the last Nintendo Direct – still, that hasn’t stopped Nintendo from releasing information about their upcoming games through other channels. Perhaps most notably, earlier this month, Nintendo revealed the release date and dropped a new trailer of Yoshi’s Crafted World, one of their major first-party games this year, on Twitter. Some people have been wondering whether or not this means that Nintendo might be relying more on social media for publishing big news instead of Nintendo Directs. It seems like this concern is shared by at least one of Nintendo’s investors as well, who posed this question at Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing today. Apparently this concern is unwarranted though, as Nintendo replied that there has been no change in their policy in that regard, and that the investor might have felt that way since it’s been a while since the last Direct.
Note that Nintendo has not yet released the official transcript of the Q&A from that meeting; this info is from a tweet from journalist Takashi Mochizuki, who attented the meeting. As such, it might not be 100% accurate.
Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum ‘n’ Fun getting Pokemon songs as DLC in Japan
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Rhythm game Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum ‘n’ Fun is getting some Pokemon DLC in Japan. On February 7th, a DLC pack will be available for 400 Yen which will contain three new tracks:
- Pokemon Let’s Go, Pikachu! & Let’s Go, Eevee! Game Music
- Pokemon Sun & Moon anime opening: Future Connection
- Pokemon anime opening: Mesaze Pokemon Master ~20th Anniversary~
It’s currently not known if this DLC will be available for the Western versions of Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum ‘n’ Fun as well.