North American July 2017 My Nintendo rewards now up
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 19 Comments
The North American My Nintendo website has updated with the latest rewards for July 2017. Most are discounts, including Art Academy, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Super Paper Mario, Pocket Card Jockey, and Picross 3D: Round 2. Swapdoodle DLC discounts have also been added in along with the latest calendar.
The full lineup of rewards is as follows:
More: My Nintendo
Pokemon GO has earned $1.2 billion, 752 million downloads
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 3 Comments
New data from app intelligence startup Apptopia reveals the latest milestones for Pokemon GO.
Since the mobile game splashed onto the scene last year, it has generated $1.2 billion in revenue and 752 million downloads. Revenue from 2016 was $950 million, meaning players are still spending money in 2017.
Apptopia adds that Pokemon GO saw roughly 60 million monthly players in June, a decrease from August’s peak of 100 million but still very respectively. 20 percent of these users started the game at least once a day.
Finally, Apptopi shares a few statistics about Pokemon GO’s demographics. 57.4 percent of are male, 38 percent are millennials (ages 19 to 34), and 32.5 percent are 18 or younger.
More: Niantic, Pokemon GO
Sonic’s original designer draws new art for Sonic Mania
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 1 Comment
Naoto Ohshima is best known as the original designer for Sonic. Although he’s no longer with SEGA, Ohshima certainly hasn’t forgotten the franchise. And in celebration of Sonic Mania’s launch next month, he’s drawn up some special art, which we have above.
I am grateful to Mr. Iizuka & Mr. Aaron & Sonic Mania team. And I am grateful to everyone who supports Sonic Mania.
Thank you very much!!!— Naoto Ohshima (@NaotoOhshima) June 30, 2017
More: Headcannon, PagodaWest Games, SEGA, Sonic Mania, Tantalus
Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s new Tingle outfit strikes fear into villagers
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Random, Switch, Wii U | 16 Comments
The first round of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s DLC released today. Among the various features and items introduced is a new Tingle costume. If you approach the villagers in one of the game’s towns, they’ll almost be sent into a panic, and they’ll watch your every move.
You can see Link interacting with villagers in his new Tingle outfit below. Have to admit that it gave me a good chuckle.
Away: Journey to the Unexpected footage
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
GameSpot sent out new footage of the upcoming Switch game Away: Journey to the Unexpected. Take a look at the latest footage below.
Pokken Tournament DX – Switch vs. Wii U graphics comparison, early analysis
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos, Wii U | 52 Comments
Digital Foundry is sharing another technical analysis of a Switch game showcased at E3. This time, Pokken Tournament DX gets the focus.
The first thing Pokken Tournament DX has over its Wii U original is a bump in resolution. Whereas the fighter is running at 960×720 on Wii U, the Switch version is a native 1280x720p – at least when docked. There is a lack of anti-aliasing still, but Switch features improved texture filtering. Pokken Tournament DX also appears to run more consistently at 60 frames per second.
Here’s the full analysis from Digital Foundry:
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle delayed to October, new trailer
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Videos | 3 Comments
Culdcept Revolt isn’t the only NIS America title being delayed this week. Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle has also been pushed back “to accommodate the production and manufacturing of the game.”
In North America, Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle will be available on October 10. The European version has a new date of October 13. This essentially amounts to a month delay as Touhou Kobuto V was originally planned for September 8 in North America and September 8 in Europe.
In other news, NIS America is distributing a new trailer today, accessible below.
Source: NIS America PR
Nintendo has nothing to announce regarding North American Super NES Classic Edition pre-orders right now
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 21 Comments
European retailers began taking pre-orders for the Super NES Classic Edition almost as soon as it was announced earlier this week. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been any news for North America, and that won’t be changing anytime soon. Polygon spoke to a Nintendo representative who told the site that the company has nothing to announce regarding North American pre-orders as of now.
When the NES Classic Edition launched last year, pre-orders weren’t held in North America. It’ll be interesting to see if the same thing happens this time around.
North American Splatoon 2 commercial
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 6 Comments
Nintendo is ramping up its promotional efforts for Splatoon 2 with the Switch game just a few weeks away. Have a look at the official North American commercial below.
More: commercial, Splatoon 2
Hey! Pikmin – “Lift-Off” trailer
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 2 Comments
Nintendo just published a new Hey! Pikmin video ahead of its launch later this month. View the “Lift-Off” trailer below.