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Nintendo has revealed the first English screenshots from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. Have a look at the full set below.

Thanks to Brian for the tip.


4Gamer posted its own interview with Arms producer Kosuke Yabuki yesterday. Most of the content rehashes what we covered extensively in Famitsu’s interview last week, but there are a few extra tidbits here.

First, Yabuki said that you’ll initially be able to choose from three arms in the final version of the game just like the demo. He hopes players will look forward to how this changes later.

Yabuki was also asked if players will be able to obtain new arms by defeating enemies. To this, he said that he can’t say yet, but would like to propose something that meets expectations.

Nintendo introduced Splatoon 2’s new Private Battle Spectator View last night. Since then, a video has been published showing the feature in-depth. See it below.


Nintendo’s two Switch games now have download codes on Amazon UK. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and 1-2-Switch can both be “pre-ordered”.

We should point out that the digital versions cost more than the physical releases on Amazon UK. Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s boxed version is £49.99, but a digital copy is going for £59.99. 1-2-Switch is also higher at £39.99 as opposed to £34.99.

In case you’re wondering, Zelda: Breath of the Wild for Wii U also now has a download code option on Amazon UK.


Fire Emblem 0’s latest live stream is now finished. During the event, plenty of cards were shown from the next two upcoming series (series 8 and 9).

Here’s the full rundown of the event from Serenes Forest’s Kirie:

Cipher Winter Livestream Caps & Summary!

Fire Emblem 0 series 8 kicks off in Japan on March 17. Series 9 debuts on June 22.


The latest regular live stream was held for Fire Emblem 0 just a short while ago. Plenty of announcements were shared about the trading card game, but there was also some surprise news pertaining to Fire Emblem Heroes.

Seliph and Julia from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War are joining Fire Emblem Heroes. Additionally, Ephraim and Eirika from The Sacred Stones are on the way.

Director Shingo Matsushita stopped by the stream to make the announcement. Unfortunately, a specific date for the new characters wasn’t announced, but you can expect to see them soon.


Dark Horse has come out with a new trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Art & Artifacts to promote the book’s arrival later this month. Have a look at the video below.

At the end of last month, Nintendo unveiled a new Splatoon 2 stage for its Japanese audience. It roughly translated to “Barnacles Sports Club”, but an official English name has been introduced for the west: Musselforge Fitness.

That news comes straight from the Splatoon Tumblr. Aside from the stage, Nintendo also provides an overview about the changes made to the Slosher.

Here’s the full rundown:

We’ve gotten a first look inside one of the new stages–Musselforge Fitness. This state of the art work out facility contains a bouldering gym, a regulation-sized pool, and all the treadmills you could ever want. Judging from our research, today’s Inklings are foregoing the calisthenics and aerobics for more back-to-basics, iron-puming workouts.

In the Slosher category, the crowd-favorite Slosher is also making a return in Splatoon 2. The keen-eyed observer may notice that slight cosmetic adjustments have been made to the Slosher’s handle and suspension arm. These changes are in line with the cosmetic changes that other legacy weapons have recieved. It may seem a trivial change to some, but we at the Squid Research Lab feel that even the smallest changes must be documented in order to keep up with the ever-changing trends of the Inkling world.


The final covers have now been shown for the Pokemon Sun/Moon: The Official Alola Region Pokedex & Postgame Adventure Guide. On the left, we have a look at the standard edition. The image on the right side is for the special Collector’s Edition. Both launch in about a month.


Pokemon Sun/Moon

The latest issue of MCV has a listing of the best-selling games in the UK for the month of January. The results are posted below, based on data collected between January 1 and January 28.

As far as physical software sales by platform goes, here are the results:

01 (01) PlayStation 4 – 581,809 (+15.91%)
02 (02) Xbox One – 429,284 (+10.69%)
03 (03) Nintendo 3DS – 97,173 (+31.44%)
04 (04) Xbox 360 – 40,591 (-69.62%)
05 (05) PlayStation 3 – 23,371 (-70.46%)
06 (07) PC Software – 22,141 (-57.32%)
07 (06) Nintendo Wii U – 22,141 (-46.65%)
08 (08) Nintendo Wii – 8,610 (-26.24%)
09 (09) PlayStation Vita – 3,690 (-52.58%)
10 (10) Nintendo DS – 1,230 (-68.39%)

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