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Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap

Earlier this month, Lizardcube and DotEmu announced Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap. The project is planned as a modern version of the SEGA Master System game. In fact, series creator Ryuichi Nishizawa is even on board.

It now looks like we can say that Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap will be on Wii U. An official listing on BitSummit’s website lists the game for Nintendo’s console.

Here’s an overview:

Cursed into a half-human, half-lizard monstrosity by the Meka-Dragon, a lonesome adventurer is facing the challenge of a lifetime! In search for a cure, our mutated anti-hero will explore the many traps of Monster Land… and defeat many stuff-throwing, curse-wielding dragons. How many more transformations can one hopeful body survive as it turns into a Lizard, a Mouse, a Piranha, a Lion, and a Hawk… The six different forms of our shape-shifting hero make up the cast of this non-stop action-adventure platformer!

And a trailer:


Teddy Together trailer

Posted on 8 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 4 Comments

Nintendo will be bringing out Teddy Together in Europe later this week. Check out a trailer for the title below.

Inti Creates published a new blog post today that goes over some of the recent Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 information recently distributed in Japanese. The details cover plot bits as well as characters. Read up on it all below.

The Seven
“The Seven” are a group of seven particularly powerful adepts within Eden. Unlike the Sumeragi Group, Eden itself does not have a hierarchical system for its members, but these particular adepts hold many positions of command, and are quite beloved within the ranks of Eden’s members. They each possess a book of great power known as a Grimoire. We’ll introduce two of these Grimoire holders in just a minute.

Eden is a multinational group of adepts from all corners of the globe, whose numbers do not compare to that of ordinary humans. They have began to amass throughout the nation, and consist mainly of adepts who were oppressed by non-adepts in the past.

Their goal is to usher in a new age for adepts, and create a new utopia where all non-adepts are eradicated.

Nintendo’s stake in Rare was sold to Microsoft in 2002. However, history almost went down a different path.

Xbox co-creator Ed Fries told IGN that Nintendo’s stake almost went to Activision. Activision outbid Microsoft originally, and it seemed like the latter company would lose the deal. Microsoft ended up increasing its offer at the last minute though, which allowed them to acquire Rare.

Fries’ full words are in the following video:

SEGA released a new trailer for Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice today. It’s in Japanese, but new footage is shown. You can view it below.

The file size is in for Ziggurat, Milkstone Studios’ dungeon-crawler/first-person shooter. The game requires right around 400MB of space. It’ll be out in Europe on Thursday, and North America soon after that.


Data analytics company Fancensus has offered further insight into E3 buzz with a new video sent out today. It reinforces the success that Zelda: Breath of the Wild experienced having been the most talked about game on Twitter, the most website coverage received, and most front page website placement. Aside from Zelda, Nintendo was one of the most viewed YouTube channels.

Here’s the full recap from Fancensus:


Downloads for The Battle Cats POP! in Japan have exceeded 400,000 units, PONOS has announced. It originally launched in Japan last May.

Meanwhile, the game is making its debut in the west today. The game can now be purchased from the 3DS eShop.

Tadpole Treble debuted on Steam at the beginning of May. Now Wii U owners are curious as to when the game will appear on the eShop.

Earlier this month, developer BitFinity provided an update on Kickstarter. There’s unfortunately been a bit of an issue with one of Tadpole Treble’s features, which has been causing issues with lot check and a later-than-anticipated release. It seems that the functionality has been cut for the time being, but BitFinity hopes to add it in later through an update.

The full notice from BitFinity reads:

Of course, the question in mind for many of you is regarding the Wii U version’s release date. To be straight up, we’re having quite a bit of difficulty passing through lot check, and it turns out that one of our extra features has been making this task particularly difficult. Unfortunately, this may result in us having to cut that feature for the Wii U version, although we’re already attempting to find a way to patch it back in post-release! But since it’s a major reason why it’s taken the Wii U version longer to get through, we had to make a difficult decision on whether to delay the game further, or just try to work it in as a patch so that people can still play the game sooner.

Here’s the good news: it’s still happening. It might be coming in Summer 2016 instead of Spring now, but we’re still making it our biggest priority. I’m a Wii U owner and lifelong Nintendo fan, and I know the sting of companies (or Kickstarters!) canceling the Nintendo version out of the blue. We’re not going to do that to you! The Wii U will have Tadpole Treble. I didn’t come this far to not have my game on a Nintendo system, by gum! WE’RE MAKING IT HAPPEN. NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT DETERIORATES OUR SANITY!!


Update (6/27): Bumped to the top. MixedBag Games sent out a few more tweets, confirming cross-buy with Wii U.

Original (6/26): MixedBag Games recently brought Futuridium EP Deluxe to Wii U, with a New 3DS version planned for the near future. The studio is also still working on forma.8, which is now confirmed for New 3DS as well. If that wasn’t enough, a game for all 3DS systems is planned as well.

MixedBag told one fan on Twitter today:


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