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Update: We’re actually getting the two characters a bit earlier in North America! Bayonetta and Corrin are due out on February 3 in the states. The sixth wave of Mii Fighter costumes are also arriving at the same time. Note that this is February 4 in Europe.

Bayonetta and Corrin will release as the final DLC characters in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS, director Masahiro Sakurai announced today. The news was just shared during the Niconico Championship held at Tokaigi 2016.

A match between Corrin and Bayonetta was also shown during the event. We have it below, along with two other videos from Nintendo.

Let’s Talk #38: What do you want to see out of NX?

It was almost a year ago that we first heard about NX. Late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announced the platform during the same conference where the mobile partnership with DeNA was made known, which was a move to assure fans that the company is still dedicated to core gaming systems.

We’ll finally be hearing more about NX this year. At the very latest, news will be coming in June at E3, though I’d be surprised if Nintendo didn’t touch on it a bit before then. We’re only a month into 2015, yet the rumor mill is already stirring with plenty of speculation. And as the months go on, we only expect this to continue. Rumors will persist so long as Nintendo remains quiet!

Everyone is anxiously awaiting new information about NX… which might not be an entirely bad thing! It allows us all to keep dreaming and imagining different elements about the system. We want to hear from you guys on this very subject: what do you want to see out of NX? Tell us in the comments below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: What would you like to see from a new Paper Mario game?

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Minecraft has become the best-selling game on the Japanese Wii U eShop. When we reported on the game’s ranking on December 27, it was already at the ninth spot. Minecraft: Wii U Edition has been climbing up the charts rapidly since then.

Famitsu reported in its most recent issue that the download has sold 77,233 copies. That’s based on data collected between November 30 and January 3.

Here’s a look at how Minecraft: Wii U Edition’s sales stack up to other versions of the game:

Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge was made available to consumers in Japan starting this week. If you purchase a figure, you can receive a code to download the game on Wii U and 3DS. We finally have some extensive footage – check it out below.

GameXplain has posted another 10 minutes of English gameplay from Project X Zone 2. View the new video below.

Splatoon’s latest European Splatfest is now up and running. Are you on Team Barbarian or Team Ninja?

Like all Splatfests, this competition will run for a full day. Soon after it ends, we’ll have the results right on the site.


It’s Pokemon’s 20th anniversary this year, so plenty of merchandise is being prepared for the franchise. At Wonder Festival in Japan next week, a brand new figure of Red will be unveiled. Attached above is a hint as to what we’ll be seeing.



In February, Nintendo will be bringing out Bayonetta and Corrin as the final DLC characters in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS. Both will actually be appearing during the Niconico Championship held at Tokaigi 2016. During the event, a demonstration battle that uses Bayonetta and Corrin will be shown.

The event itself starts at the following times, though it’s unclear when Bayonetta and Corrin are being featured:

– 5:15 PM PT (Saturday)
– 8:15 PM ET (Saturday)
– 1:15 AM in the UK (Sunday)
– 2:15 AM in Europe (Sunday)

You can watch the Niconico stream here. If you happen to miss the event, I’m sure a recorded version will show up soon after!


Last year, Nintendo released three amiibo for Splatoon. We currently have the Inkling Boy, Inkling Girl, and, Inkling Squid figures. Could more be on the way?

NWPlayer123 has built a reputation for leaking new content for Splatoon ahead of official reveals. In the past, we’ve found out about levels and weapons among other elements before they were announced. NWPlayer123 now seems to have unearthed evidence of new amiibo figures.

“AmiiboIdolA” and “AmiiboIdolB” have both been found within Splatoon’s files. These two were likely included in the game’s most recent update. Given the names, would one think that they’re referencing the Squid Sisters.

We’ll let you know if we hear anything else about this rumor.

Thanks to Mattrio for the tip.


Engineer and designer Masayuki Uemura, who worked on the creation of the NES, recently appeared at the National Videogame Arcade in Hockley. Nottingham Post caught up with him for a brief chat about the famous console.

According to Uemura, the console’s original color scheme was based on Hiroshi Yamauchi’s favorite scarf. Of course, Yamauchi was Nintendo’s president at the time.

Uemura also said the following when we asked if he believes games helped build East-West relations in the wake of World War II:

“The NES had an important role in transmitting Japanese culture to the world, and we received influences from foreign countries, too. We are different cultures but childhood is universal.”

Source, Via

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