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YIIK has a slightly more specific release window. At least for now, the title is planned for release between mid December and late February.

AckkStudios has also reiterated what we’ve heard about the Wii U version. On the GamePad, it will be possible to take on battle mode mini-games that are tailored specifically for the controller. Music-based mini-games will use the touchscreen keyboard to play songs.


Temple of Yog is launching on December 16 in North America, CHUDCHUD Industries announced today. Pricing is set at $5.99.

The European release won’t be happening on the same day, though it won’t be too far behind. It’s slated for January 7 in the region (plus Australia).

Here’s an overview of Temple of Yog:

“Recently featured as an Official Selection at the IndieCade Festival for it’s innovative use of the Wii U GamePad, CHUDCHUD Industries’ TEMPLE OF YOG is the game of human sacrifice. Players select sacrificial tributes from a primitive village and send them into an ancient temple. These tributes fight and conquer their way through procedural dungeons for glory, their inevitable death rewarding the village with prestige and progress. Tributes shift between the realms of Light and Shadow on the TV and the Wii U GamePad. A second display mode allows players to use the GamePad as a crystal ball into the other realm, leaving the tribute on the primary screen at all times. Along the way, a tribute’s sacrifice increases in rank, going from “Weak” and “Meager” all the way to “Worthy”. Defeating the guardian of each realm, along with providing a worthy sacrifice, will advance the village from a primitive culture all the way to a futuristic acropolis.”

Temple of Yog’s initial launch will contain the first in a series of content releases, broken up into “epochs”. While future content updates will be provided free to all users, the base price of the game will rise.

Here’s a breakdown of the upcoming price increases:

The First Epoch: $5.99 USD
– Age of the Wilderness

The Second Epoch: $6.99 USD
– Age of the Plow
– Age of the Fist
– PvP Online Multiplayer

The Third Epoch: $7.99 USD
– Age of the Atom
– Age of the Zealot

The Final Epoch: $9.99 USD
– Age of Ascension

CHUDCHUD Industries says that this approach to pricing “incentives early adoption, with content and features added through free updates along the way.” As for current features, those include:

– Transcend the veil between the realms of light and shadow! Gameplay shifts between the TV and the Wii U GamePad as you guide tributes through two linked worlds on separate screens
– Choose your tribute! Multiple classes with unique skills and play styles
– Procedurally generated dungeons! The Temple depths twist and reshape themselves with each new sacrifice
– GREAT BOONS! Progress your primitive village to an advanced civilization
– MINOR BOONS! Upgrade your tributes’ stats and skills and unlock new features
– Brutal boss battles, dangerous encounters, and perplexing puzzles around every corner
– Original chiptunes by Dr. Zilog

The Second Epoch for Temple of Yog is due out next spring. It’ll feature two new dungeon realms and online PvP multiplayer.

Brady tried out Temple of Yog at IndieCade a few weeks back. For those that missed it, you can read up on his impressions here.

Source: CHUDCHUD Industries PR

Splatoon picked up another win at the BAFTA Children’s Awards. Among several candidates, it was victorious in the “Best Game” category.

Nintendo UK shared the news on Twitter a few minutes ago:

Other nominees for “Best Game” included Adventure Time Game Wizard, Minecraft, and Yoshi’s Woolly World.



The second part of The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes’ Miiverse Miiting has gone live. Director Hiromasa Shikata once again participated in the discussion, but he was also joined by Grezzo’s Mikiharu Oiwa this time around as well.

The new Miiverse Miiting is quite a bit more interesting than the last one. There are comments about the working relationship between Nintendo and Grezzo, concept art for Princess Styla, cut outfit ideas, an abandoned idea for an icon seller that would let you buy extra icons with Rupees, and more. Head past the break for the full talk.

Later this week, Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos will be out on the European Wii U Virtual Console. Check out the game’s official trailer below.

In this month’s issue of Nintendo Dream, the developers of Monster Hunter X confirmed that the game won’t have any subspecies.

It’s stated in the magazine that “it depends on what exactly you consider a subspecies”. As an example though, monsters listed as “Rathalos Subspecies” and other “subspecies” won’t be included.

Talking about the reasoning behind this, Capcom said that it wanted to add more variety of regular monsters instead of adding more monster subspecies.

Source, Via

Speaking with Game Watch Impress, Shigesato Itoi commented on why Mother 4 is unlikely to happen. He told the site:

“Among big-time popstars, if they, you know, put out ten albums, around the fourth album, they can’t make very good songs. The albums sell, but everyone at the concerts wants to hear songs from those first three albums. Everyone. I’m glad that video games are not my profession. If it was my job, I would’ve already made 4 and 5.”

“When I made 3, I thought I could do it, so I did it,” Itoi added. He went on to say that 4 is “totally impossible.”

Source, Via

Something interesting is happening over on Amazon. A number of upcoming games have received a 10 percent discount, and a Prime membership isn’t required.

In terms of Nintendo titles, the likes of Star Fox Zero and Fire Emblem Fates are on sale. That means you can pre-order the former for only $53.99 before tax. For a look at all of the Nintendo-related titles with the discount, head on over here.

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Let’s Talk #31: Have you tried out Nintendo Badge Arcade?

Nintendo Badge Arcade hit the Japanese 3DS eShop in December 2014. It wasn’t until last week though that the app came out in the west. Now that it’s here, have you given it a shot? Do you believe it was worth the wait?

I admit I’ve been checking in on Nintendo Badge Arcade daily since its release. What’s funny about that is how I’m interested in the collective aspect more than anything else. I’m not really a creative person, and I don’t intend to load up my home menu with badges. There’s something there though that I keep coming back to. I boot up the app, visit the practice catcher, and usually use my free play. It’s easy and quick enough to get the job done! I can’t say I’m inclined to spend any cash on Nintendo Badge Arcade, however.

Now share your thoughts with us in the comments below! What do you think of Nintendo Badge Arcade?

Highlights from last week’s topic: What did you think of this week’s Nintendo Direct?

Bandai Namco and VIS Games have released a trailer for Professional Farmer 2016. Watch it below.

Thanks to Shinun for the tip.

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