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Square Enix issued new DLC for Theatrhythm Dragon Quest today. As of now, players can try out the following tracks:

Dragon Quest II – Battle (battle music)
Dragon Quest II – Endless World (field music)
Dragon Quest IV – Combat (battle music)
Dragon Quest IV – Homeland (field music)

As is the case with previous Theatrhythm Dragon Quest DLC, all of the songs above are free to download.

Nintendo has now opened the Japanese Devil’s Third site. Visit it here. You can see the new video featuring Tomonobu Itagaki, but that’s about it for now!

A bunch of new 3DS themes are out now in Japan. These include ones based on Assassination Classroom and more.

Here’s the full list:

Assassination Classroom (x2) – 200 yen each
Silent Siren – 200 yen
Rascal the Raccoon (x3) – 200 yen each
Sumikko Gurashi – 100 yen
Super Throwing Warrior! Nagerunder – 100 yen
Undead Bowling – 50 yen
Touch Battle Tank 3D-3 – 100 yen
Hungry Burger – 100 yen


PolyKid has announced that its indie project known as “Poi” is bound for Wii U. The developer is taking inspiration from the likes of Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and Super Mario Sunshine.

Poi is a 3D platformer that follows the journey of a rambunctious kid on an adventure to become a master explorer. Throughout their journey, players will run, jump, flip, slide, and swim to earn explorer medallions and uncover hidden secrets scattered across the world. The platformer features larger exploration-based levels and smaller, more intense platforming challenges.

Poi will be on Kickstarter in early July. A trailer will be shared sometime next month as well. You can view a set of screenshots in the gallery below, along with a teaser.

Source: PolyKid PR

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Amazon Japan has revealed the Japanese boxart for Devil’s Third, which you can take a look at above. Some new screenshots are in the gallery below.


Several new titles are coming to the Japanese eShop on June 17. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital downloads:

Wii U Virtual Console


3DS Download

Forest of Poitto Cororoke (900 yen)
Gu-Nyan (200)



Many expected Devil’s Third to resurface at this year’s E3, but Nintendo appears to have had other plans. The game has reappeared through a brand new video on the company’s Japanese YouTube channel, which features brand new footage and talk from creator Tomonobu Itagaki.

Devil’s Third also has a Japanese release date. The title is coming to Wii U on August 4.

Watch the new video below.

The latest episode of Nintendo’s Japanese show Nyannyan Neko Mario Time has now gone live. We’ve included it below.

Nintendo has created a new Splatoon trailer to promote the upcoming Japanese Splatfest. Watch it below.


Yet another two Rhythm Heaven: The Best Plus commercials are now available for viewing via Nintendo’s Japanese YouTube page. We’ve attached both below.

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