Tomonobu Itagaki shares a Devil’s Third holiday card
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Images, Wii U | 4 Comments
It’s been awhile since we received anything even remotely close to promotional material for Devil’s Third, but creator Tomonobu Itagaki did share a holiday card pertaining to the Wii U title. You can find it attached to this post.
More: Devil's Third, Tomonobu Itagaki
Reggie on Nintendo’s performance and sales, high-demand amiibo, more
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 15 Comments
Last week, The Seattle Times put up a few new quotes from Reggie Fils-Aime. The Nintendo of America addressed the company’s performance and talked a bit about sales, high-demand amiibo, and more.
You’ll find a roundup of Reggie’s comments below. You can find The Seattle Times’ full article here.
On whether Nintendo is now on a rebound…
“(Nintendo is) doing better this year than we did last year. The way I would frame it: Our goal is to drive an ongoing positive trajectory. Certainly with the momentum we’re seeing with our hardware, the momentum we’re seeing with our key software titles, that gives us a lot of confidence.”
More: Amiibo, Reggie Fils-Aime, top
Cube Creator 3D likely to receive Circle Pad Pro support in the future
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 2 Comments
Cube Creator 3D may not feature use of the Circle Pad Pro at launch. However, developer Big John Games has indicated that support will arrive through a future update.
The studio wrote on Twitter earlier this month:
For those asking re: Circle Pad Pro – the initial release may not include it, but we'll work towards that in future updates. #CubeCreator3D
— Big John Games (@BigJohnGames) December 19, 2014
More: Big John Games, Cube Creator 3D, indie, title update
Cube Creator 3D demo footage
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 1 Comment
Thanks to Jake for the tip.
More: Big John Games, Cube Creator 3D, demo, indie
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed – concept art
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
Sonic Stadium recently came across a bunch of concept art for Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing and Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Art ranges from the very early stages of development up through the initial pitch for Transformed. We even get a look at the Gilius Thunderhead on Chicken Leg concept Sumo Digital’s Steve Lycett spoke about previously.
View the concept art below:
F-Zero GP Legend, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones Wii U Virtual Console screenshots
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
German Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker commercials
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
[Developer Musings] The New 3DS Dilemma: Developing around Nintendo’s hardware iterations
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Developer Musings, New Nintendo 3DS | 5 Comments
Nintendo has a notorious reputation when it comes to iterating their handhelds and in the past it has created an environment with a unique set of issues to consider for developers. Whether it was the Game Boy to Game Boy Color, DS Lite to DSi and now the 3DS to New 3DS, every generation there’s always questions among fans regarding the value and longevity of each new system. You don’t have to look very far to see how fans react to mid-cycle announcements like these, but how do developers react when a new system emerges from Iwata’s coat pocket?
We reached out to developers Stuart Ryall, Brjann Sigurgeirsson, and Ken Patterson to offer their thoughts on the announcement of the New 3DS and what implications it has on each of their development processes, if any. Will focusing on the extra processing power and C-stick split their player base too thin? Do these new units put too much pressure on fans to upgrade and consequently put pressure on developers to focus on the new units? How do these iterations impact the overall life of a console generation? Our guests this week help shed some light on the impact these mid-cycle hardware announcements have on developers, and what questions they have to ask when developing with these challenges in mind.
(Unsure as to what Developer Musings is about? Check out our first entry here for an explanation.)
Famitsu’s most wanted games (12/28/14)
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 4 Comments
It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart! Final Fantasy XV, Bravely Second, Persona 5, Dragon Quest Heroes, and Tales of Zestiria are the new top five.
Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between December 11 and December 17.
More: Famitsu, Famitsu's most wanted
Iwata talks hardware frustration and trying to fix things with previous systems
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in GBA, News, Wii U | 47 Comments
Yet another translation has come in from 4Gamer’s interview with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata.
In this latest excerpt, Iwata discusses hardware frustration and attempting to fix things Nintendo couldn’t do on previous systems. With the Game Boy Advance SP for example, Iwata pushed for sleep functionality when the system closed. This sadly didn’t make it into the final build. However, Iwata did inform the hardware team that implementing sleep mode into Nintendo’s next system (which would end up being the DS) was a necessity.
What may be even more interesting is what Iwata said about the Wii U. Soon after the console came out, Dwango’s Nobuo Kawakami provided some feedback.
“I had a similar feeling of frustration to the GBA SP situation then,” Iwata said, as he believed that Nintendo will need to implement some of Kawakami’s suggestions in future hardware. Iwata ended by saying, “because of that frustration, not only do we want it to connect with features next time, we are actually working to fix it for next time.” Hmm…