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Inti Creates has interest in making a sequel to Azure Striker Gunvolt. However, whether or not this actually happens in the future will be determined by sales of the first game and “how active and loud the fans are”.

Inti Creates CEO Takuya Aizu told Siliconera:

Obviously, as a developer, we put our heart and soul into Gunvolt, and so the idea of doing a sequel is exciting—but that’s a kind of high-level feeling we have right now.

In terms of ideas or core concepts we’d like to include in a potential sequel, we haven’t thought that far or deep yet. The cold, hard reality is, the key things that are going to determine whether there’s a sequel or not is how Gunvolt does in terms of sales and how active and loud the fans are about there being a sequel. If those two things are in place? Sure! We’d love to do it!


Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse is now one step closer to release. According to WayForward, the game has successfully completed Nintendo’s pre-check, and more information will be shared soon.

The studio said on Twitter:


A new clip from Bayonetta 2’s Tag Climax mode can be found above. You’ll also find a summary of information below, which includes a few bits about the Fox McCloud costume.

Fox McCloud costume

– Game refers to it as Star Mercenary
– If you select the guns, the weapons change into Arwing-shaped blasters
– Slash with them
– If you perform a combo, the classic Star Fox shooting sound emits
– Lock-on cursor is the one from Star Fox

Tag Climax

– Cooperative competitive mode
– Each character works together to defeat hordes of enemies while also striving to get the most points
– Each match has 6 missions
– The ones that you can choose are unlocked throughout the game
– These are formed from previous encounters in the story mode and put on a new spin on them to make a bit more challenging
– Choose the amount of Halos to bet beforehand
– Bet more Halos to increase the chaotic nature of the battle
– If the other person falls down and you don’t revive your opponent in 15 seconds, you both lose automatically
– All the Halos you earned in previous missions are worthless and you have to start over
– Play with friends or random opponents
– If you don’t have many online friends, you are kind of forced to play it against the computer
– Can’t play locally


Entertainment Buddha reports that Stealth Inc 2 will release on October 23. Additionally, the site shares a bunch of new details. You can find them all rounded up below.

– Metroidvania inspired overworld
– Focused on stealth gameplay
– The goggles that the clones wear reflect this in a visual manner
– Red means you’re visible, green means your hidden
– Fusion of gameplay from other franchises like Castlevania, Metroid, and Zelda
– Explore the overworld with platforming gameplay
– Gadgets are in the game
– Co-op as well
– In the overworld, explore the cloning facility en route to the game’s test chambers which provide the meat of the gameplay and puzzles for the clone to solve so he can save his brethren
– Overworld is massive and completely explorable
– Some parts can’t be accessed until a new gadget is found
– 500 individual levels in the overworld
– Upwards of 20 hours of gameplay
– Test chambers need to be tackled in order
– These are made up of a series of puzzles that involve switches, movable blocks, and other clones that need to be rescued so you can use them to reach the exit
– These sections of test chambers will also have a boss to beat
– Can only defeat the boss with the specific gadget found in the test chambers that make up that particular level
– 6 gadgets
– Gadgets include inflate-a-mate, jackboy, and me-too
– Inflate-a-mate can be used to depress switches, or as a trampoline to spring the clone to new heights
– Me-too can be used to create a new clone that can be strategically placed on the map to access new areas
– In co-op, one player controls the main clone while the second player uses the Wii U GamePad to control the gadgets
– Once the first gadget is found the second player can start getting in on the action
– Use of light is key
– 60FPS


Koei Tecmo intends to reveal information about the next Hyrule Warriors update at the Tokyo Game Show next week. That news comes straight from the game’s official Twitter account, which also mentioned that a tournament will be held at the expo.

Two Hyrule Warriors updates have been released in Japan thus far. The first one only fixed a bug, but the second added new elements like a Challenge Mode.


Xenoblade Chronicles X is the first HD game from Monolith Soft. As such, executive producer Tetsuya Takahashi says the game is laying the groundwork for Monolith’s HD development “so as to not overreach ourselves and cause problems.”

Takahashi told EDGE this month:

“Xenoblade Chronicles X is the first HD project for Monolith Soft, so instead of setting a number of hard-to-achieve targets, we are working on steadily building up key skills. Our goal with this game is first to lay the groundwork for [our] HD game development, so as to not overreach ourselves and cause problems.”


Nintendo is bringing back its Treehouse streaming initivate that was first introduced at E3 later this week, the company announced today.

On September 12, Nintendo will be hosting eight hours of gameplay including a look at the final version of Smash Bros. for 3DS. Fans can also count on coverage of other upcoming Wii U and 3DS titles.

As announced on Nintendo of America’s Twitter account:


This month’s digital rewards on Club Nintendo have gone live. Members can choose from Mario Bros. (Wii U, 200 coins), Kirby Super Star (Wii U, 200 coins), Super Punch-Out!! (Wii, 250 coins), NES Play Action Football (Wii, 200 coins), Super Mario Bros. (3DS, 200 coins), The Legend of Zelda (3DS, 200 coins), Touch Solitaire (3DS, 150 coins), and Art Style: PiCTOBiTS (3DS, 200 coins). These items last through October 12.

You can check out all of September’s digital games here.

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