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Update: Bumped to the top of the page. Kamiya also said the following earlier today:

Original: Hideki Kamiya wants to bring Bayonetta 1 to Wii U. The thing is, Nintendo would have to give their approval on such a project.

Let’s say Nintendo did sign off on a Wii U release of Bayonetta. Could Platinum Games prepare the title in time for the launch of Bayonetta 2? Apparently, this is doable.

Hideki Kamiya wrote on Twitter earlier today;

Thanks to LightningBoltAction for the tip.


The fourth and final episode of Pokemon Origins is now available in English. It can now be seen through Pokemon TV.

Pokemon Origins is different than the typical Pokemon anime in that it connects directly to the Red/Blue video games.



A leaked Target ad confirms the existence of the Mario Special Edition 3DS XL. The package includes a specially-designed system and pre-installed copy of Mario & Luigi: Dream Team for $199.99. Target will begin selling the Mario Special Edition starting on December 2, and that’ll likely be the case for most retailers.

EDGE is off to a fantastic start on the Wii U eShop. The title has become Two Tribes’ best-selling game on the digital store thus far, based on first day sales.

Two Tribes tweeted earlier today:


Several 2DS bundles have been listed by Amazon.

Over at, the site includes entries for Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, and Animal Crossing: New Leaf packs. Amazon Germany also seems to list the same bundles as well as one for Mario Kart 7.

Nintendo hasn’t officially confirmed any 2DS bundles for the west, though the company did recently announce the two Pokemon packs for South Korea.

Thanks to snow for the tip.

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Earlier this week, tweets from supposed Nintendo of America software engineer Nando Monterazo revealed the development of an educational tablet. The situation has now taken a turn for the strange though, as we’re hearing that this person never actually worked for the company. Sky News Australia relayed this news from Nintendo.

Source, Via

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