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This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. You can find it in full below.

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The latest Japanese software sales from Media Create are as follows:

1. [3DS] Youkai Watch 2: Shinuchi – 1,244,171
2. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire – 152,384 / 1,950,481
3. [PS4] Grand Theft Auto V – 81,659 / NEW
4. [WIU] Super Smash Bros. for Wii U – 79,005 / 306,533
5. [PS3] Shining Resonance – 67,282 / NEW
6. [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for 3DS – 47,393 / 1,835,852
7. [3DS] Youkai Watch 2 – 32,168 / 2,958,112
8. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – 29,418 / 2,255,273
9. [WIU] Mario Kart 8 – 24,938 / 778,808
10. [PS3] Assassin’s Creed: Rogue – 17,656 / NEW
11. [3DS] Derby Stallion Gold – 16,659 / 90,275
12. [3DS] Aikatsu! 365 Idol Days – 16,023 / 49,174
13. [WIU] Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker – 14,628 / 80,510
14. [PS3] Nobunaga no Yabou: Souzou with Power-Up Kit – 14,054 / NEW
15. [3DS] Attack on Titan: The Last Wings of Mankind Chain – 12,650 / 31,723
16. [3DS] Sumikko Gurashi: Koko ga Ochitsukundesu – 12,216 / 36,053
17. [PS3] Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting – 10,675 / NEW
18. [PSV] Phantasy Star Nova – 10,117 / 137,263
19. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 9,961 / 3,830,376
20. [PS3] Resident Evil HD – 8,493 / 74,196

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

New 3DS LL – 83,041
PS4 – 68,041
New 3DS – 34,676
Wii U – 27,334
3DS LL – 24,475
Vita – 24,039
3DS – 14,911
PS3 – 7,803
Vita TV – 974
Xbox One – 724
Xbox 360 – 102
PSP – 8

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

New 3DS LL – 63,714
3DS – 38,846
New 3DS – 25,541
Wii U – 24,469
Vita – 22,355
3DS LL – 17,319
PS4 – 15,971
PS3 – 5,679
Vita TV – 986
Xbox One – 790
Xbox 360 – 189
PSP – 8

Bravely Second details

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Reader Edmund C has sent along more Bravely Second details. The information comes from the scans we posted over the weekend.

For a translation of systems in Bravely Second, continue on below.

“Follow-Up Chance”
When you defeat the enemies within one turn, there will be a chance for the option to follow-up immediately into the next battle. Winning the follow-up battle will result in greater reward

Save presets of your party set-up, including abilities and equipments. This allows players to set up different parties for various situation and switch between them easily without needing to configure individual characters.

“U’s Journal”

Her journal is a dynamic beastiary. The more times you defeat a monster, the more tidbits of information will be added to that monster’s entry.

“City Rebuilding”
The returning realtime minigame from the previous game. This time it’s set on the moon’s surface.

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Both of these 3DS themes are now available in Japan for 200 yen. You can check out some footage below.

Level-5 continues to announce positive sales news Youkai Watch 2. Between the first two versions that came out in July and the just-launched Shinuchi edition, sales have now surpassed five million units in Japan.

Naturally, Level-5 is far from done with Youkai Watch. The company said in its announcement today that various developments for the series are currently being prepared.

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Having issues with auto-play, so you can find the footage after the break!

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