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UK Pokemon fans hoping to try their luck at obtaining one of the few Eon Tickets being distributed can now sign up for the chance to win one. Participants are required to complete the entry form found here, which also includes all the terms and conditions of entry. The Pokemon Company will be choosing 15 different fans from around the area to travel to London on November 28th for a chance to meet Junichi Masuda of GAME FREAK who produced Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

The latest template for Pokemon Art Academy fans in Europe is Rayquaza and it’s available for download now. Check it out above or go pick it up in game!


Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire may be due out in only a few short days, but that hasn’t stopped Pokemon X and Y from receiving a couple more events in Japan. The first event, “Japanese Charizard Event” is exactly what you would expect, allowing players to download either a shiny Charizard holding Charizardite Y or a shiny Pikachu. The event will run from December 12th through January 16th at the Pokemon Center in Tokyo to commemorate the opening of the new venue.

The second “Linoone Event” will take place at Jump Festa 2015 on December 20th and will feature several gifts, the first of which is a special Linoone. The Linoone in question is Level 50 with the moves Extreme Speed, Helping Hand, Baby-Doll Eyes and Protect and holds a Focus Sash. Participating in a special battle competition will win players a PP up or a PP max. Also featured at the event are special QR codes for Super-Secret bases for special guests Ayana Tsubaki, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Aoi Yuki, Emi Nitta, Aoi Shota & Ban Megumi


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