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What was Shigeru Miyamoto’s favorite movie of 2015? That honor goes to Star Was: The Force Awakens.

Speaking with Game Informer, Miyamoto shared some thoughts as to why he was impressed with the film:

“There were a lot of good movies last year. One movie that I would have to talk about is Star Wars. It was a movie that I was very worried about. I really enjoyed the original three movies. But as they started to rely more on CG and computer graphics, I gradually stopped watching the Star Wars movies.

I felt that for the people who were taking that on that it was a very big challenge for them. My expectation is that they’d maybe find a way to barely meet that challenge. But when I saw that movie, I was very impressed with what they were able to do.

As a creator, I really respected their ability to take on the challenge and bring back some of the feelings that people had the first time they watched the movies. I really liked that some of those actors from Episode IV came back after all these years, and you can see how they had aged. As a fan, it was a really great movie.”

Miyamoto also discussed his favorite games of last year: Splatoon and Super Mario Maker.

“I haven’t seen as many video games. Two of the games that I have been really happy with. One is Splatoon. We had a very young staff work on that game; particularly in the Japanese market, they’ve introduced a whole new genre of shooter.

And then Super Mario Maker, which Mr. [Takashi] Tezuka worked on, we’re seeing a lot of dads are playing together with their kids. That’s made me really happy.”


Nintendo and Google have teamed up for a neat little promotion surrounding The Legend of Zelda. Today, if you access Google Maps, you’ll notice that Link is actually used as the street view icon. You can check this out for yourself right here.

Thanks to the bunch of you who sent in a news tip about this.

IGN has another comparison video available for Star Fox Zero. Based on the game’s latest footage, the site puts it up against Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Assault for Corneria and Fortuna.

Yesterday, Nintendo’s Japanese Twitter page posted news about the new Nintendo Direct. Makiko Ohmoto, the voice of Kirby, ended up re-tweeting the news a few hours ago. That’s set off speculation that Kirby will be featured in some form during today’s presentation – be it a new game or something else. Whether that actually happens remains to be seen.



Destructoid is reporting that Nintendo is funding Beyond Good & Evil 2. Better yet, the site claims that the game is planned as an NX exclusive for 2017. It would be a move similar to that of Bayonetta 2 on Wii U, which could help Nintendo generate goodwill with gamers by helping bring the much-desired sequel to its new platform as an exclusive.

Destructoid’s initial source originates from Alexander Maier, who recently posted a series of rumors about NX which I personally found rather dubious. However, the outlet “also reached out to a second source, who independently gave a number of the same bullet points regarding the future of Beyond Good and Evil. The number of points of crossover between these two sources suggests that this rumor, while not confirmed by Nintendo, may hold water.”

The new game may be currently carrying the working title “Beyond Good and Evil: The Prejudices of Philosophers”. This is said to be “a reference to a specific chapter in the philosophical text Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche, which details how morality can be altered by authority, and the ways black-and-white morality overlooks the larger complexity of the nature of morals.”

As with all rumors, we can’t stress enough that this report should be taken with a grain of salt. If it were to be accurate though, it’d be a very interesting move on Nintendo’s part.


Update: Added in the official high-quality upload.

A new trailer for Pokemon: The Movie – Volcanion and The Ingenious Magearna debuted on Oha Suta a short while ago. The recording of the video can be seen below.

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We have a couple of updates from Nintendo NY straight from the store’s Twitter account.

First, Nintendo NY will be hosting an event for tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct. Fans can stop by and watch the presentation as it happens on a 15-foot screen.

Nintendo NY will also be selling Zelda: Twilight Princess HD starting this Friday. Those who purchase the game will receive a poster in addition to the Sound Selection CD.


The latest episode of Nintendo’s Japanese show Nyannyan Neko Mario Time has now gone live. We’ve included it below.

Activision has confirmed that it will not have a booth on the E3 2016 show floor. That announcement was made in a new blog post on the publisher’s site today.

For Nintendo, this won’t mean a whole lot. Skylanders probably would have been represented in some fashion, but that would probably be it. It is an interesting move though, as EA had also announced recently that it will be opting for a fan event instead of attending the big gaming expo.


The Animal Crossing amiibo 3-pack is now at its lowest price point yet. After initially being sold for $35, it can be had for just $17 on Amazon. Place an order here to partake in the discount.

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