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This month’s issue of Game Informer has an interview with Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma. Aonuma tackled several topics pertaining to Majora’s Mask, including the 5 stages of grief fan theory.

Here’s the full exchange between the two:

Game Informer: Some fans speculate that Majora’s Mask is a metaphor for the stages of grief. The towns-folk are in denial of the moon falling; the Deku King is punishing the monkey out of anger; the ghost in the snow temple is bargaining for a return to the world of the living; Lulu in the Zora Temple is battling with depression; and the final temple could be considered acceptance as it wraps up Link’s journey. Was this considered during development, or is this just a fan interpretation?

Eiji Aonuma: It’s certainly true that each one of these different episodes you talked about has a different emotional cast to it. One feels like it’s tinged with sadness, and another with anger – that certainly was intentional. But, I also want to point out that it’s not that each one of these episodes only has the one emotion that they are conveying. There are certainly other notes that we’re trying to hit as well, and the reason we did this is always to allow the player to experience that emotion – to give them a chance to hook into the emotional tone of this scene and react to it and feel like they want to accomplish something in the game as a result.”


Update: Now confirmed. Actually, some stores have already received Little Mac shipments (see below).


Based on a few comments coming from Best Buy associates, new shipments of the Little Mac and Captain Falcon amiibo could be on the way. Both figures are listed as “In Transit” in Best Buy’s inventory system. A list of stores that are apparently confirmed to be receiving the amiibo can be found here.

Best Buy locations may be receiving stock as early as this week or next week. Keep your eyes peeled!


Nintendo of Japan has launched a Flipnote Studio 3D YouTube channel.

Check out some of the videos below:

If you haven’t already cashed in all your stars, you can now get The Legend of Zelda: A LInk Between Worlds soundtrack. Previously out of stock on Club Nintendo Europe, it is currently back in stock so get it while you can as supplies are sure to be limited.

With the upcoming end to Club Nintendo don’t get left with any unused stars!



Walmart opened online pre-orders for the gold Mario amiibo last week. However, in just a few minutes, reservations sold out. If you’re one of the people who missed out on the pre-orders, there’s no need to panic… yet.

Nintendo said on its Facebook page today that Walmart’s pre-orders “represent just a small fraction of product made available in advance of the launch.” Consumers will still be able to find gold Mario at Walmart stores.

If you’ve been paying any attention to the amiibo market since its launch, you’re probably aware of the scarcity of them. Nintendo is aware also, and though the shortage has been hugely a North American problem due to port strikes, Europe and Japan have had their woes with a few characters in particular – Villager, Little Mac, and Captain Falcon.

A new batch of Villager, Little Mac, and Captain Falcon amiibo are set to be shipped in mid-May in Japan. Nintendo mentions that the assembly process for manufacturing amiibo can take quite some time, some even needing to be done by hand, and can take a few months until shipments are made from the beginning of production, which is why demand can’t be met right away.

Before closing their message, Nintendo says “it should be noted that depending on the presence or absence of amiibo in the future, we will consider adding production on a case-by-case basis. We will of course also listen to the demand of the consumers.”

Let’s hope there’s enough for people to enjoy this time around. Captain Falcon more so than Little Mac and Villager since his amiibo also unlocks content in Mario Kart 8, while the others don’t really do much outside of Super Smash Bros. at the moment.




Back in January, a workaround launched that made it possible to bypass the 3DS’ region lock. The “RegionThree” exploit could run so long as users downloaded a file and had access to the Internet.

With today’s new 3DS update, we’re hearing that RegionThree is kaput. It simply doesn’t work if you have the latest firmware. At the moment, its unclear how RegionThree’s creators will proceed.


We knew that Marth would be back on store shelves sometime this year thanks to an announcement made during the most recent Nintendo Direct. Today, Nintendo shared a specific timeframe as to when the restock is taking place.

Those living in North America will be able to get their hands on Marth once again in late April. Nintendo confirmed this on Twitter through the following message:


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This month’s issue of Nintendo Dream has a rather large interview with Eiji Aonuma, longtime producer of the Zelda series. While the Japanese magazine asked Aonuma about a variety of topics, Majora’s Mask was the main focus. Aonuma talked about the origins of the Majora and Termina names, the Mirror Shield’s connection to a mask owned by the Happy Mask Salesman, and more.

Head past the break for our full translation. The discussion is definitely interesting!

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