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In closing out an interview with Takashi Tezuka, NZGamer asked the legendary game designer if there’s any hope for a Mario Sunshine sequel or a Majora’s Mask remake for 3DS.

Tezuka responded by saying – off the record – that he wishes Nintendo could explore these kinds of ideas. “I personally would like to enjoy those again,” he noted “but I don’t have any information.”

Check out the full exchange between NZGamer and Takashi Tezuka below:

Being a left-handed gamer isn’t so easy. A lot of titles don’t accommodate such users too well, making it difficult to play.

This is something that Shigeru Miyamoto seems to understand. And he told Kotaku that he’ll talk to his teams about seeing what can be done.

Miyamoto stated:

Super Mario Bros. has been around for nearly thirty years. At this point, most would have expected that the game’s major glitches and infinite lives tricks would have been discovered. But apparently not!

As shown in the video above, one player has seemingly managed to uncover a new glitch leading to a constant stream of 1-ups.

Here’s how the technique is described:

First, you must first take player one’s Mario to the second level of the game and throw away your first life. With Luigi taking over, player two must traverse all the way to World 5-2 and find the hidden beanstalk block halfway through the stage. Once there, Luigi must start climbing the vines, however, he must await – and take on the chin – an incoming projectile from one of the Hammer Bros. Upon being hit, once player one resumes control of Mario, the beanstalk from World 5-2 will start growing in World 1-2, providing all you need to infinitely kick shells for unlimited bonuses.

Source, Via

This is definitely bizarre, but in a good way!

Source, Via

According to social media intelligence analytics provider Crimson Hexagon, Nintendo experienced the highest level of Twitter success during E3 2014.

Crimson Hexagon reports that 47 percent of all tweets mentioned Nintendo. Two of the most popular tweets included a message made by Nintendo of America teasing Shigeru Miyamoto’s appearance on a live broadcast and another from @Dropkickpikachu, who said: “Nintendo has just shown more playable female character’s in one game preview than the other companies have all E3 so far.”

As a whole, the #Nintendo hashtag was tweeted 30,000 times. The #e32014 hashtag was tweeted another 55,000 times.


GamesBeat caught up with Nintendo of America communications boss Charlie Scibetta at E3 2014 last week. Among other topics, Scibetta was asked to share a message for those unsure if they want to pick up a Wii U.

Check out Scibetta’s comments about that very subject (and more) below:


Capcom has announced a couple of changes to its Japanese headquarters management structure.

Nariyuki Nobuyama, Head of Consumer Games R&D Human Resources Division and General Manager of R&D Promotion Department, is now also a Corporate Officer as well.

Another corporate officer is Monster Hunter 4 series producer Ryozo Tsujimoto. Tsujimoto also fulfills the role of Head of Consumer Games Development Division 3 and General Manager of Department 3.

Last but not least, Internal Audit and IT head Hirokazu Nakabachi is Capcom’s new exeuctive corporate officer.

Source, Via


Mario Toys at McDonalds

The Mario Happy Meal toys at McDonalds appear to be a hot commodity in South Korea. With the second wave of toys out today, photos have been snapped of huge lines forming – some of which even stretched outside or up to the second floor.

As for why people are so interested in the toys, people are apparently trying to make money by selling them online. This has led some Korean websites to ban members for thirty days should they attempt to resell the Mario Happy Meal toys.

McDonalds line for Mario toys



During an interview at last week’s E3, Reggie was asked whether or not he thought the Wii U could ever outsell the Playstation 4 or Xbox One. He had the following to say:

“The dirty little secret is if you look at life-to-date numbers, between Sony and Nintendo they’d be pretty close in terms of PS4 vs. Wii U, with Xbox coming in third place,”

“I think it’s going to be a three-horse race for the balance of this cycle.”

Reggie admitted that the delays of Wonderful 101 and Pikmin 3 caused issues for the console at launch but also doesn’t think that warrants another console right away:

“We think that the Wii U has a long and vibrant life in front of it,”

“What it needs are games like Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros Wii U and Splatoon – those types of games that can really drive the installed base. We believe if we can do that effectively the Wii U has a long and robust life.”

“The interesting point there is that when we announced the Wii U and when we announced all of the launch details, we fully expected games like Wii Fit U, Pikmin, the The Wonderful 101 to be in the launch window,”

“The Nintendo quality bar is really what kept us from launching those games potentially in February or March and so that’s what created the lack of software during that initial launch phase.”


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