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The Outer Worlds

Private Division and Obsidian Entertainment have readied a new trailer to promote the initial release of The Outer Worlds. Have a look at the video below.

New footage has arrived for the zombie survival game Into the Dead 2. Take a look at the gameplay in the video below.

Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition lands on the Switch eShop today. For a look at the game’s launch trailer, continue on below.

Bandai Namco has gone live with the third trailer for SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays. Have a look at the video below.

Nintendo caused a stir – particularly in Japan – after fans discovered that Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE will be based on the western version of the Wii U original. That edition had a number of changes and cuts. Fans became aware of the situation after Nintendo swapped out screenshots on the Japanese website and then attached a very brief notice.

Following the response, Nintendo has posted an official apology. The company said that the Wii U screenshot was an error, and was updated with a Switch screenshot later on as a result.

Mommy’s Best Games has readied a new launch trailer for its Switch eShop title Pig Eat Ball. We’ve included the video below.

PQube has issued a launch trailer to promote the western release of the visual novel Raging Loop. Get a look at the video below.

Today, Sega posted a new video for Hatsune Miku: Project Diva MegaMix. The “How to Play” video details the two ways to play the game: the traditional Arcade Mode and the new Mix Mode, which is built around using the Joy-Con controllers.

Also, Sega released a list containing all 91 returning songs that will be in the game (there will also be 10 all-new songs). Head past the break to view it (credit goes to Gematsu for the translation):

Ring Fit Adventure is out today. To celebrate the launch of the fitness game, Nintendo prepared a launch trailer:

The Bartre & Fir Bound Hero Battle is back in Fire Emblem Heroes. You have until October 24 to clear the various difficulties and earn orbs as rewards. There are also time-limited quests available that can net you even more orbs.

Over the last week, the official Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter accounts held a quiz, posing one question to players each day. All questions were answered correctly, and as such, rewards have been sent out to all players: 10 orbs and 5,000 feathers.

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