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The original version of Bravely Default releases seven years ago today, October 11th, 2012. To celebrate the occasion, Square Enix shared the special piece of artwork you see above. Things have been a bit quiet for the franchise in the last couple of years – the latest entry in the series was the Japan-exclusive mobile game Bravely Default: Fairy’s Effect, which came out in March 2o17.


Two new characters have been revealed for the upcoming next season of the Pokemon anime series. Professor Sakuragi is the head of the Sakuragi Research Institute in Vermillion City, which will serve as the hub for Ash as he travels around the Pokemon world in the new series. There’s also 10 year-old Koharu, Professor Sakuragi’s daughter. She has a Yamper and is a childhood friend of Gou, the other main character besides Ash in this new series.



For a limited time, Pokemon Masters is offering Special Daily Item Exchanges. Starting today, for the next six days, an item or set of items can be exchanged once a day for just 100 coins. These are the items and the days they’ll be available on:

  • October 11: 3-star Level-up Manual x 10
  • October 12: Buff Blend x 50, Great Buff Blend x 30, Ultra Buff Blend x 15
  • October 13: Tech Tonic x 50, Great Tech Tonic x 30, Ultra Tech Tonic x 15
  • October 14: Aid Ade x 50, Great Aid Ade x 30, Ultra Aid Ade x 15
  • October 15: Replay Ticket x 1
  • October 16: Replay Ticket x 1

Little Town Hero, the RPG developed by Gamefreak, is out next week, on October 16. Today, Gamefreak uploaded a 20-minute video to their Youtube channel, showcasing some gameplay from the Japanese version of the game:

Doraemon Story of Seasons launches today on Nintendo Switch. To celebrate the occasion, Bandai Namco put together a launch trailer for the game:

The next Tempest Trials+ event has been announced for Fire Emblem Heroes. It’ll run from October 14 till October 24. The big rewards this time are a 5-star Rolf: Tricky Archer and three seals: Swift Stance 1, Defiant Atk 1 and Chill Def 1. The bonus allies for this event are Hector: Dressed-Up Duo, L’Arachel: Harvest Princess, Dozla: Harvest Attendant, Ilyana: Treat Harvester, Rolf: Tricky Archer, Hector: General of Ostia, L’Arachel: Princess of Light and Oscar: Agile Horseman.

A Summoning Focus featuring some of these bonus allies is now live. The 5-star focus units are Hector: General of Ostia, L’Arachel: Princess of Light and Oscar: Agile Horseman. The Summoning Focus will be available until October 24.

The recent issue with an Aether Resort quest has been resolved. Players who already built a Field in Aether Resorts the day before the quest with that objective went live were unable to complete the quest. The quest objective has now been changed to “KO a Foe”, so everyone can now complete it.

Finally, a new event calendar has been released, detailing upcoming ingame events up through early November. Head past the break to check it out:

Cygames has confirmed that the Dream Summon Special is now available to purchase within Dragalia Lost.

This allows players to purchase a special pack of one Tenfold Summon Voucher along with one Adventurer or Dragon of their choosing. This will be available until October 25th. More details can be found below.

Marvelous has published a duo of Japanese commercials for their upcoming release of Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town.

Each clip is only 15 seconds long. Those interested can check them out below.


Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia

Happinet has published a new trailer for Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia that features the theme song for the Mana Saleesia Theocracy.

Those interested can view and listen to the video below.

Arc System Works has published a new trailer showcasing the upcoming DLC character Akatsuki in BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle.

Those interested can view the footage below.


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