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When Mario Kart 64 debuted many years ago, it was accompanied by a strategy guide in Japan. Several developers participated in an interview, which has finally been translated by shumpalations. For us, some of the most interesting comments came about when discussing original plans for the game.

We first get to hear from director Hideki Konno about how mini-turbos were originally intended to be a hidden feature. Furthermore, the color of the smoke initially remained the same.

After it was originally scheduled for release earlier this month, Johnny Turbo’s Arcade: Heavy Burger arrived on the Switch eShop on Thursday. Check out some footage below.

Nintendo Australia shared a new interview with Game Freak’s Junichi Masuda and Kensaku Nabana a few hours ago. There aren’t really any hard-hitting questions here, but fans can get a small bit of additional insight into the two games and other random topics. We’ve included the full interview below.


Chucklefish has shared a new piece of music from Wargroove’s soundtrack. The latest song is “Creeping Ivy”, the main theme for commander Sedge. We have the track below.

This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:



Nintendo has shared a new interview with Undertale creator Toby Fox. Topics include the games that influenced him (and plenty of talk about EarthBound), what changed during development, and more.

Here’s the full transcript:


Switch has seen the release of a few cloud-powered games. Phantasy Star Online 2 kicked things off, followed by Resident Evil 7 and most recently Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

There’s one company behind all of these games on Switch: Ubitus. Though the titles are only available in Japan, it’s worth getting some insight into how they’re running and the tech behind the service. For that reason, we’ve gone ahead and translated an interesting interview with director of game development Ko Midoro and SVP of global business development Ozan Kocoglu, which was recently conducted by Famitsu.

Several new games out came out this week on the eShop. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

Footage is beginning to emerge from the final build of SNK 40th Anniversary Collection. Take a look at eight minutes of gameplay below.

SNK 40th Anniversary Collection launches November 13 on Switch.

Super Mario Odyssey

The official Twitter account is ringing in the first anniversary of Super Mario Odyssey in a couple of ways. Since it’s October 27 in Japan, that means the game came out one year ago today.

The first part of the celebration is some new special artwork, attached above. We also have a brief dance video of sorts below with the instrumental version of Jump Up, Super Star.


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