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Hori’s Mario Kart 8 accessories are heading to North America. Amazon is listing the Mario/Luigi racing wheels as well as the Mario/Luigi GamePad protectors. At the moment, release dates for the various products haven’t been finalized.


CVG has received confirmation from Nintendo that new hardware will not be revealed during E3 2014 next month. “I can confirm Nintendo is not revealing any hardware at this year’s E3,” a representative said.

Rumors regarding an upcoming announcement gained significant traction yesterday after several publications came forward claiming that a system of some sort would make its debut at the expo. Chatter was first picked up on from IGN’s Nintendo Voice Chat podcast, and a few other sites backed up claims that a reveal was set for E3.

With Nintendo now denying the rumors, it would seem that the whole situation was comprised of nothing more than speculation after all.


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Those who purchase Mario Kart 8 from Amazon Germany will have the opportunity to receive a little something extra. For ten additional euros, consumers can purchase the Steelbook Edition of Nintendo’s racer. It’s a nice little bonus!


Child of Light will soon be receiving a patch to change the game’s difficulty names. In the future, “normal” and “hard” will be modified to “casual” and “expert”.

Writer Jeffrey Yohalem told Joystiq during a live-stream event:

“In a patch that’s coming up, we’re changing the names to ‘casual’ and ‘expert’. This has been an issue, obviously, that some people have had, and I think that the word ‘normal’ is a misrepresentation …. Or, rather, implying that there’s one way to play that’s normal is, I think, too strong.”

“Casual is for people that want to experience the world and experience the adventure without having hard combat, and then expert is for people who love RPGs and who want to really have a challenge.”

Yohalem feels that those who have experience playing role-played games should try Child of Light on the “hard” difficulty for the time being.


Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will be released on November 4.

Note: until we receive an official confirmation that Advanced Warfare is Wii U bound, this is probably the last time you’ll see this game mentioned here.

Thanks to Cameron for the tip.

Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars will be available in Europe on May 15, Atlus has announced. The game will be distributed as a digital-only title through the eShop. Atlus has also prepared a demo for Conception II, which is available for download now.

Source: Atlus PR

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