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Most retailers have initiated their core sales for Black Friday 2013… despite the fact that today’s actually Thursday.

Amazon’s current offers – like Theatrhythm Final Fantasy for $15 – can be found here. Also be sure to check out the lightning deals page here, as titles such as Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, Super Mario 3D Land, and Animal Crossing: New Leaf will be going on sale later today.

All GameStop sales are located here. There are quite a few highlights, such as Xenoblade and Metroid Prime Trilogy for $33.59 (use the promo code CAG16 on these two). You can also grab LEGO Marvel Super Heroes for $30 and Rayman Legends for just $25.

Finally, visit this link for Best Buy’s offers including ZombiU for $15.


Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

A Dark Train goes full-steam ahead.

We’ve had enough light-topic reader polls! Time to trust you guys with something deeper. 😛

This is a survey that requires no signing up, accounts, clicking through ads, or anything. Just answer a required question, answer a non-required question (if you want) and make your voice heard in yet another NintendoEverything reader survey poll thing! Results will be read on the next podcast! Thanks very much.

Thanks very much. As stated above the topic for you guys this week is “How much does dying affect the experience of a game?” Check out two small questions in there.

Take the survey here! (more details inside if you’re confused)


Square Enix has a pretty big collaboration in store between its Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest IPs. Fantasy XI, Dragon Quest X, and Final Fantasy XIV will all be connected through upcoming activities.

Here’s a comprehensive rundown:

– Sage from Dragon Quest X takes a Great Ark to visit Final Fantasy XI
– Sage is looking for a lost slime
– Comes with a Monstrosity event which lets you play as Blue Slime
– Can get special Slime gear
– Spriggan, a monster from the world of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will suddenly show up in Vana’diel
– Moogles can talk to Spriggans
– Can control the monster using a Monstrosity
– Get Spriggan equipment as well
– In Final Fantasy XIV, the powerful Tarutaru black mage Shantotto from Final Fantasy XI appears in Eorzea
– Can fight Shantotto in a FATE (Full Active Time Event)
– Defeat her and she’ll join you as a minion
– Another FATE has players fight Golems from Dragon Quest X and if you win you get a tiny Golem minion
– Shantotto shows up in Dragon Quest X
– If you help her find materials for black magic you can get a Chocobo hat
– Moogle from Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn also gives Dragon Quest X players a quest
– Complete it to receive a Cactaur Mask


Famitsu recently caught up with SEGA Sammy’s Naoya Tsurumi, who is now acting as the president of Index Corporation. Tsurumi was asked about the status of the Atlus brand as a whole, development structure, and more. Tsurumi’s full comments can be found below.

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