Super Mario Bros. Wonder mod makes Rosalina playable
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Random, Switch | 0 comments
Super Mario Bros. Wonder has the most playable characters yet for a 2D side-scrolling Mario game, but Rosalina isn’t included in the fun. Some were disappointed by that fact, and to rectify the situation, one fan created a new mod to add her in.
Dytser is behind the mod which has already come a long way. Rosalina has “distinct transformations that look unique compared to the others”, and Dytser even gave her a new look for the Elephant power-up. Most of the transformations are done, but some are a work-in-progress.
More: Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Masahiro Sakurai wanted Nintendo to include a scroll wheel on the GameCube controller
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in GameCube, News, Random | 0 comments
Masahiro Sakurai posted his latest YouTube video today, and includes an interesting tidbit of information that he wanted a scroll wheel on the GameCube controller when the hardware was being developed.
Sakurai said he was allowed to give input – which makes sense given his close relationship with the company thanks to the Super Smash Bros. series. As explained in his proposal for Melee, the scroll wheel – or jog dial – “is a knob that you can turn either up or down, and it also functions as a switch if you press it in.” The idea here is that players would more quickly make menu selections and it’d allow for smooth camera movement.
More: Masahiro Sakurai
1 new Wii U was sold in the U.S. during September 2023
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Random, Wii U | 0 comments
Mat Piscatella, executive director and video game industry analyst at Circana (NPD), relayed a little sales tidbit about the Wii U today that we couldn’t resist sharing.
The console has been phased out for years with Switch now Nintendo’s primary device since 2017. Finding a Wii U at a retailer at this point is practically impossible – and the platform wasn’t exactly popular to begin with. However, as it turns out, a single new Wii U was sold in the U.S. last month. The last time a Wii U was sold in the states was in May 2022.
More: sales
Seattle Aquarium and Nintendo team up on Animal Crossing: New Horizons promotion
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Random | 0 comments
Animal Crossing: New Horizons will be invading the Seattle Aquarium as part a newly-announced partnership with Nintendo.
This fall, visitors will be able to see characters from the game while learning about the aquarium’s mission: Inspiring Conservation of Our Marine Environment. They’ll be able to see marine animals such as sea otters, harbor seals, octopus, hundreds of species of fish, and more.
Switch used to help rescue missing girl from abductor
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Random, Switch | 0 comments
Court records show that a Switch system helped the FBI in its search to find a missing 15-year-old girl in Arizona last summer.
The unnamed teen disappeared in Virginia on August 3, 2022. ABC reports that Ethan Roberts, who was 28 at the time, “befriended her on the internet, traveled to Virginia to get her, and later forced her into child pornography.” However, Roberts did allow her to bring her Switch console – which eventually led to her return.
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom devs on which Link is the stinkiest
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Random | 0 comments
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom director Hidemaro Fujibayashi and series producer Eiji Aonuma have shared their thoughts on which Link they believe is the stinkiest.
If you’re wondering why on earth anyone would bother to ask the developers that question, this has become a thing of sorts of TicTok. Wired decided to get to the bottom of things by asking Fujibayashi and Aonuma for their thoughts directly.
More: The Legend of Zelda
Miyamoto says Dr. Mario shouldn’t be trusted
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Random | 0 comments
In the words of Shigeru Miyamoto, Dr. Mario is a character that shouldn’t be trusted.
IGN recently spoke with the Mario creator as part of an interview for The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Miyamoto talked about how the film brought out a new side of the character as an everyman hero. However, when it comes to Dr. Mario, he’s a character shrouded in shadiness.
More: interview, Mario, Shigeru Miyamoto
Fan turns Zelda: Ocarina of Time’s Hyrule into Mario Kart 8 track
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Random, Switch, Wii U | 0 comments
A new fan-made Mario Kart 8 track is turning heads because of how well it adapts the world of Hyrule from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time into a raceway. It’s based on Nintendo’s 3DS remake of the N64 classic rather than the 1998 original.
RiazorMC shared the creation on YouTube, which features different Hyrule sections for each of its laps. In the first section, you start off in Kokiri Forest before moving to Hyrule Field and Gerudo’s Fortress. The second lap is the journey to Lake Hylia. Finally, in the third lap, there’s a quick stop in Kakariko Village and then ultimately Death Mountain. Fans seem to agree that the course could be better at directing you where to go, but otherwise is impressive.
Give Me Toilet Paper released on Switch, played with Joy-Con in a roll of toilet paper and rolling it on a board
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Random, Switch eShop | 0 comments
We already reported on Gekisou! Benza Race – Toilet Shooting Star today, but it turns out that’s not the only new toilet-related game for the console. Just released is Give Me Toilet Paper, which comes with a unique premise.
The game is played by placing a Joy-Con in a roll of toilet paper and rolling it on a board. It’s officially described as an action game.
More: Give Me Toilet Paper
University student asks professor to cancel class due to today’s Nintendo Direct with email containing “perceived vague threat”
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Random | 0 comments
The California State University Fullerton is being extra cautious today after a student sent an email to their professor asking for class to be cancelled “for the good of humanity” due to the Nintendo Direct presentation airing later today.
While the individual later followed up and admitted it was a “bad joke”, it was still enough to put people on edge. The CSUF Police Department did believe the email to contain “a perceived vague threat”. Because of this, there’ll be more safety measures in place today at the campus “out of an abundance of caution”.