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The latest episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta host an episode with GandaKris to make some Nintendo-themed DIYs to dress up school supplies. Check out the full episode below.

Awesome Games Studio published a new trailer today for the upcoming action-platformer Fury Unleashed. We’ve included it below.

Yesterday, the hack-and-slash Switch game Grave Keeper was added to the eShop. You can see what the title has to offer with the footage below.

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet Complete Edition is out on Switch today, and Bandai Namco has prepared a launch trailer to celebrate. Check it out below.

A couple of days ago, Axon Interactive released Quench on the Switch eShop. Have a look at some footage in the video below.

Yesterday, NanoPiko Games announced and released PictoQuest on the Switch eShop. For a look at some footage, watch the video below.

Kemco will have another Switch RPG, Everdark Tower, ready to go on the eShop starting August 22. Have a look at some early footage below.

Traxmaster Software is bringing its combat platformer Exception to the Switch eShop next Tuesday. Check out some footage below.

M2 today issued the first trailer for ESP Ra.De. Psi, which is coming to Switch in Japan at the end of 2019. View it below.

On August 18, the vehicle adventure game FAR: Lone Sails debuts on the Switch eShop. Take a look at some footage below.

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