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Yesterday, Level-5 announced that The Snack World is finally releasing in Japan on July 13. The company is now beginning its promotional efforts, starting with the commercial below.

FDG Entertainment prepared a new video today that provides a first look at Oceanhorn running on Switch. The brief clip, posted below, is off-screen but shows the game running at 60 frames per second.

Nintendo has come out with a new Mario Kart 8 Deluxe video that shows off the different boosts that you can pull off, including the new pink addition. Have a look at it below.

A new trailer for the 3DS version of Dragon Quest XI was shown during the recent Japanese Nintendo Direct. Give it a watch:


Early footage is in showing the new Switch eShop game Kamiko. Take a look at nearly 20 minutes of gameplay below.

More footage of Team Kirby Clash Deluxe is in, now in direct-feed. Watch 23 minutes of gameplay below.

The Switch eShop updated today with the English Puyo Puyo Tetris. Take a look at some footage of it below.

It’s been a long while since the last general Nintendo Direct. Today, Nintendo is finally hosting a new presentation that will reveal news for both Switch and 3DS. Arms and Splatoon 2 are the focus, though we should be seeing other games as well.

You can watch today’s Nintendo Direct as it happens below. We have streams for all three versions: North America, Europe, and Japan. On top of that, we’ll have a live blog going below – big thanks to Zack for handling that for me. Important news will receive separate posts on the site.

Enjoy the Nintendo Direct! According to the Japanese stream, it will run for about 35 minutes.

North America

A new NBA Playgrounds trailer has been released that gives us a better look at the actual gameplay. Have a look at the video below.

The second developer diary is now online for Rime. For the new video, developers from Tequila Works team talk about the artwork and music that shaped the game. Have a look below.

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