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Eurogamer has some footage up from Battle Princess Madelyn, confirmed earlier this week for Switch and Wii U. Watch 12 minutes of footage below.

Nintendo of Europe posted another commercial for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on its Twitter page. Watch the 30-second advert below.


More footage has arrived showing this week’s Wii U Virtual Console title Harvest Moon 64. Another 25 minutes is in the video below.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild doesn’t support English subtitles with Japanese voices, but you can play the game in different languages entirely by changing Switch’s system settings. We show that off below.

Nintendo shared yet another look at 1-2-Switch on its Japanese Twitter page with a video for the Air Guitar mini-game. Take a look at it below.



XSEED hosted a Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns stream last night, and showed a ton of footage from the game. The Twitch recording with over an hour of gameplay is after the break.

Ahead of its release next week, Nintendo of America published a new “hands on” video for Snipperclips. Check it out below.

Some folks are already starting to get their hands on the new Mario Sports Superstars amiibo cards. An unboxing video for one of the packs can be found below.

XSEED brought up a problematic situation the company was facing with Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns’ DLC last week. Essentially, in order to localize the new content for the west, they’d need to charge for it due to the huge amount of work involved as opposed to releasing it free like in Japan.

The community has spoken and XSEED has decided on which direction to take. Due to feedback received, Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns’ DLC will be localized.

XSEED wrote in a Tumblr blog post:

“We were really overwhelmed by the feedback we received from it. The patience and support of those who responded was encouraging to say the least, and we were grateful to hear all of your opinions, however you felt about the situation. One issue that came up on our forums that I’d like to address quickly is about the bug fixes that were included in the post-launch patches in Japan. Those fixes are all already included in the core game that we are releasing on February 28.

Now then, on to the big news: I’m happy to report that we have decided to localize and release the DLC in North America. I don’t have information on a release timeline or costs for you yet, but we’re eager to dive into translating and editing the text for this massive update. Stay tuned for updates in the months after the initial release.

Thanks again for all your feedback. It made our decision much easier. While the DLC is a ways off, until then we hope you enjoy Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns. Even without the post-launch DLC, it is still the biggest game in the storied history of the farm/life-sim series.”

Thanks to Blackbishop for the tip.


A video has popped up showing some of the unlocks earned by scanning certain amiibo in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It’s far down the rabbit hole in terms of spoilers though, so we’ve put the video after the break. Proceed at your own risk!

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