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Update: Added in the official announcement after the break.

Today, Nintendo has unveiled its plans for E3 2014.

The company’s events are highlighted by a “Digital Event” taking place on June 10 at 12 PM ET / 9 AM PT. This is where fans can expect new games and announcements.

Nintendo will additionally host the Smash Bros. Invitational (tournament in Los Angeles), Smash Bros. Smash-Fest at Best Buy (game playable nationwide during E3), and Nintendo Treehouse Live @ E3 – featuring constant daily live streams from E3.

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Thanks to Jake for the tip.

Footage is somewhat low-quality, but we do get another look at the game – including some of Mario Kart 8’s menu screens.

There were quite a few announcements last week, and a number of them were Nintendo-specific. I figured I’d take a few moments to recap some of the news in the latest “Random Thoughts” video. Although it’s not anything special, I hope you’ll enjoy it in any case!

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