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3DS eShop

Update 2: The second special event is available if you’ve had the demo for at least four days. There is a small conversation with Lillie, who will be a main character in the full game.

Update: The first special event is now available if you’ve had the demo for at least a day. Talk to the man outside the Pokemon Center to recieve 10 Pretty Wings.


One of the incentives for playing the Pokemon Sun & Moon demo is the ability to send stuff from the demo to the full version of the game. In the demo, there are various tasks you can take on – once you clear them, your reward will be something that you can send to the full version of the game. Just talk to Professor Kukui in the Pokemon Center and select what you want to send. Note, however, that you need save data from the full version to do this, so you can’t send anything just yet.

Here is a list of tasks and their respective rewards:

  • Clear the “main” part of the story, i.e. beat Plumeria – Greninja
  • Beat three trainers on Ten Carat Hill, then beat the Ace Trainer near the exit – Star Piece
  • Catch three Pokemon for the first time in the Pokemon-catching challenge on Ten Carat Hill – Nugget
  • Talk to the woman on the eastern exit of the city (near the Slowpoke), then clear all the rocks with Tauros – Stardust x3

Fairune 2 and Mr. Pumpkin Adventure are out today in North America and Europe as eShop titles. To download the first one, you’ll need 341 blocks of free space on an SD card, or 42.625 MB. Mr. Pumpkin Adventure takes up 1216 MB.

Source 1, Source 2

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

Mr. Pumpkin Adventure – $3.99
Pirate Pop Plus – $4.99 (cross-buy with New 3DS)
Retro Road Rumble – $3.99
Shooting Range by Thornbury Software – $12.95 (available Friday)
SteamWorld Heist – $14.99 for two weeks; then $19.99 (also 10% loyalty discount if you own SteamWorld Dig or SteamWorld Heist on Wii U/3DS)
Super Destronaut 2: Go Duck Yourself – $1.99

Wii U Virtual Console

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks – $9.99

This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. Mario Kart 7
2. Pokemon Yellow
3. Pokemon Red
4. Monster Hunter Generations
5. Mega Man X2
6. Pokemon Blue
7. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice
8. Super Mario Bros. 3
9. Super Mario World
10. Azure Striker Gunvolt 2
11. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
12. Severed
13. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
14. Dragon Quest VII
15. Gurumin 3D
16. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
17. Zelda: A Link to the Past
18. Chase: Cold Case Investigations
19. EarthBound
20. Pokemon Omega Ruby


1. Evolved Forms Starter Pokemon – Pokemon Sun/Moon
2. Yo-kai Watch 2 TV Spot
3. Yo-kai Watch 2 Overview Trailer
4. Yo-kai Watch 2 E3 2016 Trailer
5. Yo-kai Watch 2 – Exclusive Jibanyan Medals
6. Version-exclusive Pokemon – Pokemon Sun/Moon
7. Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Trailer
8. Starter Pokemon for Pokemon Sun/Moon Revealed
9. Pokemon Sun/Moon Special Demo Version Video
10. Pokemon Yellow Trailer
11. Disney Magical World 2 Nintendo Direct Trailer
12. More Ultra Beasts Debut – Pokemon Sun/Moon
13. Pokemon Sun/Moon Demonstration – E3 2016
14. Gurumin 3D Trailer
15. Pokemon Rumble World Trailer
16. Severed E3 2016 Trailer
17. Super Mario World Trailer
18. Pixel Hunter Trailer
19. Disney Art Academy – Overview Trailer
20. Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 Trailer

Source: 3DS eShop


Update (10/19) On New 3DS, Pirate Pop Plus is 610 blocks (76.25 MB).

Original (10/17): Pirate Pop Plus launches this week on Wii U and New 3DS. On Nintendo’s console, you’ll need 150 MB of free space. We’ll report back when we hear about the New 3DS size.


FuRyu has now launched the full website for The Alliance Alive, its upcoming 3DS RPG. Access it here. Find some screenshots and art rounded up from the site below.

Zelda: Spirit Tracks is gracing the North American Wii U Virtual Console tomorrow. On New 3DS, Capcom is bringing out Breath of Fire, according to Nintendo’s website.

The official page provides the following overview:

“In a distant land, peace was maintained for thousands of years by the powerful Dragon Clan. One day, the goddess Tyr appeared to them and offered to fulfill their every wish. Greed split the clans into the Dark Dragons and the Light Dragons, who battled to win Tyr’s magic as she watched and encouraged their war. A warrior emerged from the Light Dragons, and with his seven companions, he sealed the goddess into another realm.

Centuries have passed, and the Dark Dragons are destroying villages in search of the goddess keys to release Tyr from her prison. A new warrior must arise to face this latest blight!

Join Ryu as he embarks on an adventure of a lifetime! He will need to rely on his companions if he is to rediscover the lost powers of the Light Dragons and save his sister, Sara, from the evil clutches of the Dark Dragons. Fight, and prove that the Warrior of the Dragon is not just a myth!”

Breath of Fire will be priced at $7.99.


A few new titles are coming to the Japanese eShop on October 26. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital downloads:

Wii U Virtual Console

Baseball Simulator 1000 (Famicom, 514 yen)

3DS Download

Koneko no Ie: Kirishimake to Sanbiki no Koneko – 500 yen


SteamWorld Heist nearly had multiplayer. That’s according to Image & Form community manager Julius Guldbog, who said in a Reddit AMA that the functionality was “seriously considered”. Time was the only reason why it wasn’t included in the end.

Guldbog stated:

“We would love multiplayer and seriously considered it for Heist. In the end we ran out of time, simply.”

As another aside, the SteamWorld Heist hat packs are still planned for 3DS. Image & Form “ran into a nasty bug that will take some time to fix since DLC on 3DS didn’t work the way we thought,” though the team will “definitely compensate 3DS owners for the long wait”.


Several years ago, Flat Black Films made the DSiWare app Inchworm Animation. The company is now returning with Butterfly: Inchworm Animation II, a successor for the 3DS eShop.

It’ll have the following features:

– Revolutionary looping motion graphics engine with 30 frames-per-second playback. Draw as it plays!
– Eight endlessly-configurable dynamic brush tools with custom presets
– Timeline with up to 5 layers and 2 soundtracks, for scripting events and sound effects
– Use stereoscopic 3D to arrange your layers in the third dimension. Give your movies true depth!
– Record and edit Audio, use the built-in sound -effect library or the groovy sound-effects generator!
– Shoot video, time-lapse, and stop-motion photography
– Onionskin (including video onionskin for stop-motion)
– Slick antialiased brushes with full 24-bit color and transparency
– Import from Nintendo Camera / Export to SD
– introducing the Butterfly Online Gallery! Share your movies with the world – upload/download animation, rate and comment on work. Host your own virtual art studio at!

Inchworm Animation II will be out on October 27 in North America for $5. European and Japanese releases will also follow. We’ve posted a trailer for the title below.


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