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3DS eShop

Touch Battle Tank 3D-4: Double Commander will soon be localized for both North America and Europe, courtesy of Circle Entertainment. Moreover, it’s in lot check, so we should be seeing it sometime within the next few weeks.

As written by Circle on Twitter earlier today:

Here’s a trailer for the original Japanese version:


This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

World of Final Fantasy (PS4/PSV) – 9/9/9/9
FIFA 17 (PS4/PS3/XBO/360) – 9/9/9/9
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk (PS4/PS3/PSV) – 9/9/9/8
Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice (3DS) – 9/8/9/8
Neo Atlas 1469 (PSV) – 8/8/10/7
River City Ransom SP (3DS) – 8/7/7/9
Kamiwaza Wanda Kirakira Ichibangai Kikiippatsu! (3DS) – 8/8/9/7
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization (PS4/PSV) – 9/8/7/8
Mighty Switch Force! 2 (3DS) – 8/7/8/6
Mercenaries Saga 3 (3DS) – 7/7/7/8
Unlucky Mage (3DS) – 7/7/8/7
Yahari Game demo Ore no Seishun Love Kome wa machigatteiru Zoku (PSV) – 8/7/7/8
Saka Agari Hurricane Portable (PSV) – 7/7/7/6
Crows Burning Edge (PS4) – 7/6/7/6
Train Creator 3D (3DS) – 6/7/7/6

Nintendo made good on its “late morning” promise from yesterday’s press release. The Pokemon Sun & Moon demo is out now on the eShop across Europe and the UK.

Nintendo Network

Are you unable to connect to the Wii U or 3DS eShops? There’s a reason for that. Nintendo’s maintenance page states that users may encounter issues loading the shops due to heavy traffic.

The Pokemon Sun/Moon demo just made its way to Australia and Japan, so that’s likely the cause here. Additional issues may pop up tomorrow once North America and Europe have access to it as well.


RCMADIAX is readying another New 3DS title. On November 10, Shoot the Ball will be available on the North American and European eShops.

RCMADIAX shared the news via Twitter earlier today:


Chase: Cold Case Investigations ~Distant Memories~ arrived on the North American and European 3DS eShops last week. Watch a half hour of English gameplay below.

A few months ago, My Nintendo added in birthday discounts for North American members. Nintendo has been sending out emails with a select lineup of games that can be purchased on the eShop for 30 percent off.

The same offer is now extended to Europe as well. As of this month, if you registered for a Nintendo Account (with a linked Nintendo Network ID) and opted in to receive promotional emails from Nintendo, you’ll receive a notice during your birthday month.

The current lineup of games to choose from are as follows:

Wii U

Super Mario Maker
Yoshi’s Woolly World
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
Xenoblade Chronicles X


Monster Hunter Generations
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
Bravely Second: End Layer
Tomodachi Life
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes

Note that the list above is as of October. The selection is swapped out “regularly.”



Fairune 2 is heading west as of this week. It’s coming to North America on Thursday, followed by Europe next week. Get a look at an official introduction video below.

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

Pirate Pop Plus – Regular Price: €4.49 / £4.09 / CHF  6.30; Cross-buy offer: Users who own the Wii U (New Nintendo 3DS) version can download the Nintendo 3DS (Wii U) version for free.

Super Destronaut 2: Go Duck Yourself – €1.99 / £1.79 / CHF  2.80

Fire: Ungh’s Quest – €9.99 / £8.99 / CHF  14.00

Project Zero 2: Wii Edition (Wii Download) – €19.99 / £17.99 / CHF  28.00

3DS Retail

Rhythm Paradise Megamix – €29.99 / £24.99 / CHF  38.90 (Bonus until 17.11.2016, 23:59 UTC: Buy and get a Bonus Download Code for “Rhythm Paradise Megamix  Costumed Tibby” HOME Menu Theme.)

3DS Download

Ping Pong Trick Shot – €1.99 / £1.99 / CHF  2.80

New Nintendo 3DS Download

Pirate Pop Plus – Regular Price: €4.49 / £4.09 / CHF  6.30; Cross-buy offer: Users who own the Wii U (New Nintendo 3DS) version can download the Nintendo 3DS (Wii U) version for free.

3DS Demo

Pokemon Sun & Moon (available late morning on October 18th)

New Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console

Super Ghouls’n Ghosts – €5.59 / £5.00 / CHF  7.80 until 03.11.2016, regular price €7.99 / £7.19 / CHF  11.20

Super Castlevania IV – €5.59 / £5.00 / CHF  7.80 until 03.11.2016, regular price €7.99 / £7.19 / CHF  11.20

3DS Themes

Rhythm Paradise Megamix Costumed Tibby – €1.99 / £1.79 / CHF 2.80 (Bonus Download Codes from buying “Rhythm Paradise Megamix” redeemable until 17.11.2016)

Rhythm Paradise Megamix Ringside – €1.99 / £1.79 / CHF 2.80

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