Nintendo on why SNES Virtual Console games are only on New 3DS
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, New Nintendo 3DS, News | 40 Comments
As part of last week’s Nintendo Direct, it was announced that the 3DS Virtual Console is now seeing the addition of SNES games. However, only those with a New 3DS can partake in the fun. Downloading SNES titles on older models of the system simply isn’t possible.
A Nintendo representative told Game Informer the following about having SNES games only on New 3DS:
“As previously announced, New Nintendo 3DS has an improved CPU, which enables Super NES games to run on the system with quality results. The Super NES games also include Perfect-Pixel mode, which allows players to see their games in their original TV resolution and aspect resolution.”
Nintendo’s statement indicates that the CPU behind the New 3DS is what allows for SNES Virtual Console games to be possible.
More: Virtual Console
3DS eShop charts (3/9/16)
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 4 Comments
This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:
1. Pokemon Yellow
2. Pokemon Red
3. Pokemon Blue
4. Super Mario World
5. Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
6. Mario Kart 7
7. Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest
8. Super Mario Bros. 3
9. Mega Man Legacy Collection
10. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
11. Pokemon Omega Ruby
12. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
13. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
14. Pokemon Trading Card Game
15. The Legend of Zelda
16. Super Mario Bros.
17. F-Zero
18. Azure Striker Gunvolt
19. Pokemon Yellow (Spanish Version)
20. Pokemon X
1. Pokemon Direct 2/26/16
2. Pokemon Yellow Trailer
3. Pokemon Red Trailer
4. Super Mario World Trailer
5. Pokemon Blue Trailer
6. Nintendo Direct 3/3/16
7. Pokemon Picross – Turn Puzzles into Portraits
8. Mega Man Legacy Collection Trailer
9. Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games E3 2015 Video
10. F-Zero Trailer
11. Final Fantasy Explorers Trailre
12. Hyrule Warriors Legends E3 2015 Trailer
13. Pokemon Bank Trailer
14. Project X Zone 2 Trailer
15. Hyrule Warriors Legends – Legendary Warriors Unleashed
16. Mario Kart 7 Video
17. Yo-kai Watch Launch Trailer
18. Sadame Trailer
19. Monster Hunter Generations Announcement Trailer
20. Super Smash Bros. Final Video Presentation
Source: 3DS eShop
More: charts
Abylight bringing AfterZoom to the 3DS eShop
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Abylight already has its next 3DS eShop title in the pipeline following Musicverse: Electronic Keyboard. The studio is bringing back AfterZoom, a 2011 DSiWare game featuring a mix of real-world biology and fantasy elements.
Here’s the announcement from Abylight:
“Here in Abylight Studios we want to turn 2016 into one of the best years since the creation of the team, and not only because of our released games, but also for the beautiful collaborations we are working on. After the ‘Musicverse: Electronic Keyboard’ success on the Nintendo eShop, and almost with no time for us to recover from the celebration, we want to share more good news!
Because of the interest and love that you showed us about bringing ‘AfterZoom’ to Nintendo 3DS™, it is finally heading to the portable console. However, as you may imagine already, we can’t reveal further details, but we hope to start releasing more information in the coming weeks.
Prepare your Nintendo 3DS™ system because we will turn it into a lab from another planet! On this new installment of the franchise, ‘AfterZoom’ unveils the origins of such a weird microorganism collection, which consists of more than 150 species. These organisms are feisty and there will be lots of training to calm them down…”
Abylight has yet to say when AfterZoom will be made available on the eShop.
Upcoming Japanese eShop releases (3/16/16)
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Several new titles are coming to the Japanese eShop on March 16. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital downloads:
Wii U Virtual Console
Game & Watch Gallery 4 (GBA, 702 yen)
Densetsu no Starfy 2 (GBA, 702 yen)
3DS Download
3DS Virtual Console
3DS Demo
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3
More: Japan, Virtual Console
Possible upcoming SNES games for the New 3DS Virtual Console in Japan
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, New Nintendo 3DS, Rumors | 33 Comments
Some folks have been digging within the files of the Super Mario World SNES release on New 3DS to see what else might be on the horizon. And as luck would have it, a decent-sized list was found which may point to upcoming titles for the Virtual Console. Given the names, this looks to be primarily for Japan.
Head past the break for the full lineup. All credit goes to Normmatt for putting the list together.
More: Virtual Console
Witch & Hero II expected on March 17 in North America, PAL updates from Circle
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Witch & Hero II could be out in North America as early as next week. Earlier today, Circle Entertainment posted on Twitter that the game is targeted for March 17.
Here’s the relevant tweet:
Lets expecting Witch & Hero 2 arrived NA on 17th March! (hopefully no need to delay to another week)
— CIRCLE Ent. (@CIRCLE_Ent) March 8, 2016
We also have some news for PAL regions about Circle Entertainment titles:
Revised: "Petit Novel Series – Harvest December"(3DS ware) will be released in German on March 10th! Not included NZ/AU.
— CIRCLE Ent. (@CIRCLE_Ent) March 8, 2016
Addtional: "The Legend of Dark Witch"(3DS ware) will be released in German, Australia and New Zealand on March 17th! @FlyhighWorks
— CIRCLE Ent. (@CIRCLE_Ent) March 8, 2016
Also, Fairune working for those addtional territories, please wait for our update. Any else titles you guys want to see it on DE, AU, NZ?
— CIRCLE Ent. (@CIRCLE_Ent) March 8, 2016
Famitsu review scores (3/8/16)
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 1 Comment
This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:
Digimon World: Next Order (PSV) – 8/8/9/8
Citizens of Earth (3DS) – 8/8/7/8
Omerta Code: Tycoon Kai (PSV) – 8/7/7/7
Assault Android Cactus (PS4) – 7/7/7/8
Sebastien Loeb Rally EVO (PS4) – 6/8/7/8
Infinite Dunamis (3DS) – 7/7/8/6
Bingo de Brain Training (3DS) – 6/6/7/5
More: Famitsu, Famitsu scores
Pokémon Shuffle update: Omastar, Mega Charizard Y
Posted on 9 years ago by Jake in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
It’s the Pokémon Shuffle update time of the week, this time bringing in the new Omastar stage, alongside a repeat run of Mega Charizard Y. Both of these stages are available for both the 3DS and mobile versions. Omastar will run until March 22nd, and Mega Charizard Y will run until March 15th.
Additionally, the Mega Charizard Y stage will only give certain prizes to the top players. The number of players who will receive the prizes vary by region and version. The top 5,000 Japanese, 2,000 North American, and 1,200 European players will get a Mega Speedup. The top 50,000 players in Japan, 20,000 in North America, and 12,000 in Europe will get a Charizardite Y. The top 80,000 players in Japan, 30,000 in North America, and 18,000 in Europe will get an Attack Power, and other participants will recieve a Disruption Delay. For the mobile version, the top 10,000 players globally will recieve a Meta Speedup, and the top 100,000 will get a Charizardite Y. The top 150,000 players will also get an Attack Power, and every non-winning participant gets a Disruption Delay.
More: Pokemon Shuffle
Witch & Hero II story introduction
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Witch & Hero II is coming to the North American and European 3DS eShops soon. Circle Entertainment is preparing for the release with a new story introduction, which you can find below.