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3DS eShop

A new event stage for Dialga is now available on Pokémon Shuffle! This new challenge to catch the legendary Pokémon from Pokémon Diamond will run from today until June 29th.

As usual with these events, be sure to Check In to download the new patch, Version 1.2.3, and update your game to gain access to this event. Good luck, trainers!



The eShop is being absolutely inundated with traffic at the moment, as the new Smash Bros. DLC has released. If you’re experiencing issues, be patient! Normal service should be restored as traffic dies down.


Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones has been classified over in Australia. Nintendo is listed as publisher, so this rating should be for an upcoming Virtual Console release.

Arc System Works announced a couple of days ago that the company acquired the rights to Double Dragon and other franchises. Perhaps they’ll handle Double Dragon III’s eventual Virtual Console version?


Unsurprisingly, Jupiter’s most recent Picross game will be coming west. The company has confirmed to Nintendo Everything that Picross e6 is currently targeted for overseas release during the summer. This applies to both North America and Europe, and if all goes well, there will be a simultaneous launch in both regions.

All previous Picross e games – the original up through Picross e5 – are available on the 3DS eShop.

Several new games out came out this week on the Wii U and 3DS eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a peak at the gallery below.

Collectible Badge Center has been updated with another round of badges. In the latest wave, Nintendo sent out badges based on Rhythm Heaven: The Best Plus. You can get a look at them above.


It was only yesterday that Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night cleared its prequel mini-game stretch goal on Kickstarter. With $4.5 million having been raised, Inti Creates is being tasked with creating this smaller title for a few platforms, including Wii U.

We can now say that this same mini-game will be on 3DS as well. Combined with PayPal donations, the Bloodstained Kickstarter has surpassed $4.75 million. That amount was needed in order to bring the prequel mini-game to portables.

Bloodstained’s Kickstarter has one final stretch goal to hit before the campaign ends. If funds reach $5 million, the game will feature a rogue-like dungeon mode.

You can check out Bloodstained on Kickstarter here. 13 hours remain before the campaign ends.

Now that Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure has launched on the North American and European 3DS eShops, English footage is starting to come in. You can watch a half hour video below.

Arc System Works is bringing Swords & Darkness and Ninja Usagimaru to the 3DS eShop today. Trailers for both titles are posted below.

Over on Reddit, Nicalis’ Tyrone Rodriguez stated that the Wii U and 3DS versions of The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth will not feature save syncing. In other words, it won’t be possible to transfer save data between the two versions.

Rodriguez also ruled out local multiplayer for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, as well as patches. He explained:

Patching after release is unlikely. It might seem like a “small” feature, but it’s actually quite time consuming to add multiplayer. Even local wireless multiplayer has effectively the same amount of code as doing true online MP.

Lastly, Rodriguez confirmed that The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth will cost $15 on Wii U and 3DS. There’s no release date yet, but we should be hearing something this month.

Source, Via

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