Adelman shares another comment on his departure from Nintendo – eShop “in good hands”
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, General Nintendo, News, Wii U eShop | 9 Comments
Dan Adelman has issued his own personal response about leaving Nintendo on a website he launched today.
Adelman was the founder of Nintendo of America’s digital distribution business and remained with the company for nine years. Today, however, Adelman revealed he left the company last week and is creating his own business to help smaller developers in various ways.
In any case, here’s what Adelman had to say about Nintendo – in which he also states that the eShop “is in good hands”:
More: Dan Adelman
Have a listen to Azure Striker Gunvolt’s theme songs
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 1 Comment
Inti Creates recently unveiled Lumen’s songs for Azure Striker Gunvolt. The first, “Beyond the Blue” can be listened to above at the start of the video. “Reincarnation” follows at around the 9-minute mark.
Lucha Amigos will likely be ported to 3DS
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
QubicGames’s arcade puzzle game “Lucha Amigos” appears to be destined for Nintendo’s portable. While it’s only confirmed for mobile devices at present, the studio says it’s “likely to be in the future ported to Nintendo 3DS as well.”
Here’s an overview as to what Lucha Amigos offers:
This arcade puzzle game will take you to Mexico where the daily routine is broken by a gang of evil cacti stealing all the water!
Saloon’s glasses are dry, wells are empty, baby turtles’ armbands are useless…don’t let this tragedy happen! Team up with the lucha amigos to chase away the spiny vilains.
Lucha Amigos features a colorful atmosphere, a top-notch Mexican music inspired soundtrack and so far 100 levels and 7 turtles with unique abilities.
Lucha Amigos will be hitting iOS soon. Hopefully a 3DS version will follow soon after!
More: indie, Lucha Amigos, QubicGames
Dan Adelman leaves Nintendo
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, General Nintendo, News, Wii U eShop | 12 Comments
Dan Adelman, one of the men in charge of leading Nintendo’s indie efforts, has left the company after nine years. Kotaku reports that Friday was his last day with the Big N.
Adelman has gone independent, and Nintendo is said to be supportive of the move.
Head past the break for some comments from Adelman on his decision to leave Nintendo and much more.
More: Dan Adelman, indie, top
Nintendo Download (08/07/14, Europe)
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:
Rabi Laby 3 – €4.99/£4.49
Parking Star 3D Demo – Free
Mega Man 2 (GB VC) – €3.99/£3.59
Xtreme Sports (GBC VC) – €4.99/£4.49
3DS Special offers
Disney Planes – €14.99/£13.49 (Ends August 21)
Snow Moto Racing 3D – €3.99/£3.59 (Ends August 21)
Wii U VC
Mach Rider (NES VC) – €4.99/£3.49
Megaman Battle Chip Challenge (GBA VC) – €6.99/£6.29
Wii U Special offers
You must own either NES Remix or NES Remix 2 to be eligible for the following VC deals:
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels – €3.49/£2.44 (Ends August 14)
Donkey Kong Jr. – €2.49/£1.74 (Ends August 14)
Mario Bros. – €2.49/£1.74 (Ends August 14)
Kid Icarus – €2.49/£1.74 (Ends August 14)
GOLF – €2.49/£1.74 (Ends August 14)
Baseball – €2.49/£1.74 (Ends August 14)
Tennis – €2.49/£1.74 (Ends August 14)
Disney Planes – €19.99/£17.49 (Ends August 21)
Blok Drop U – €0.99/£0.79 (Ends August 21)
Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails – €4.99/£4.49 (Ends August 14)
Abyss – €0.49/£0.44 (If you own Unepic. Ends August 21)
Unepic – €8.49/£7.64 (If you own Abyss. Ends August 21)
Toki Tori 2+ – €5.99/£5.00 (If EDGE, RUSH and Toki Tori have been downloaded.)
More: Europe, Nintendo Download, top, Virtual Console
Renegade Kid reveals “Xeodrifter” for the 3DS eShop
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 3 Comments
Renegade Kid’s newest 3DS project, “Xeodrifter”, has been revealed tonight.
Here’s what we know:
– Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham “got a bee in my bonnet to make a metroidvania game”
– Treasurenauts is still happening
– Renegade Kid not working on Cult County or the previously-announced Razor game
– Xeodrifter started out when Watsham mocked up a 2D demake of Moon Chronicles for fun
– He liked the results, but sat on the mock-up for a few months
– The idea of the 2D space game came back to him one day and he wanted to act on his interest
– This is how Xeodrifter was born
– Separate from Moon Chronicles, not related to it at all
– Xeodrifter is a separate character/story
– Renegade Kid will return to Treasurenauts once Xeodrifter is done
– Game tells the story of an interstellar drifter traveling the stars on a mission of exploration
– Players join the nomad as he embarks on the exploration of small cluster of four planets in the omega sector, after a collision with a rogue asteroid damages his warp drive
– A scan of the neighboring planets reveals a number of energy signatures on the planets that may provide the special material needed to fix his warp drive and get back to cruising through the cosmos
– Xeodrifter is intended to be a small, bite-sized experience, much like Ikachan in terms of scope
– There will be secret goodies located off the main path to keep the thorough gamers among us busy for a little longer
– Layout of the levels finished as of July 1 to provide a playthrough of the entire game from beginning to end, in rough format
– No enemies are functional yet
– The player can traverse from level to level at the moment
– The foreground layers are scaled up 200% so each pixel is larger than the default 1:1 pixel size
– The layers in background are at 100% scale
– This gives a great sense of depth and also allows the player to exist in the background without having to be scaled or redrawn to “look” smaller
– When in the background, he “is” actually smaller
– Renegade Kid is going for a NEO-NES look with the limited color usage
– Also using the NES palette to give it that familiar aesthetic
More: indie, Renegade Kid, top, Xeodrifter
Dragon Fantasy development progressing smoothly on 3DS
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Earlier this year, Muteki confirmed its two Dragon Fantasy games for 3DS. Although there hasn’t been much news since January, you’ll be happy to know that development is progressing smoothly.
Muteki’s Adam Rippon told us that Dragon Fantasy: Book I “is coming along quite well” on 3DS. Currently, the team is working on performance improvements.
Dragon Fantasy is running at about 50 frames per second at the moment – just like the PS Vita version. However, Rippon wants it to be “a perfect 60FPS”.
Muteki hopes to talk about launch plans for Dragon Fantasy: Book I at PAX.
Now for a small update on Dragon Fantasy: Book II. It’s still planned for 3DS, though “it’s not quite as far along”. Book II will launch later down the road.
Rippon ended our communication by stating that both Dragon Fantasy titles “look and play extreeeeeeemely well on the 3DS. It’s like they were made for it!”
Shovel Knight “doing very well”, sales are “exceeding expectations”
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Screenshots, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Yacht Club Games is pleased with Shovel Knight’s sales performance thus far. The game has only been out for about a month, but the studio’s Sean Velasco told Game Informer:
Velasco: I’d say it’s doing very well. We are very pleased with where it’s at, even this early in the sales time.
Yacht Club’s Nick Wozniak also commented on Shovel Knight’s sales, stating: “Across all platforms it’s exceeding expectations.”
More: indie, interview, Nick Wozniak, sales, Sean Velasco, Shovel Knight
Image & Form still figuring out cross-buy promotion for SteamWorld Dig
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Image & Form is still nailing down the specifics for SteamWorld Dig’s cross-buy promotion. Those who have purchased the game on 3DS may be entitled to a discount for the Wii U version, which launches at the end of this month.
Image & Form wrote on Twitter:
.@ImageForm Cross-buy promotion not yet finalized. We're still figuring it out 🙂
— Image & Form (@ImageForm) August 2, 2014
@NintendoTweet Sorry, more like a discount for 3DS owners of the game. We still haven't figured everything out. Details soon 🙂
— Image & Form (@ImageForm) August 2, 2014