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3DS eShop

We don’t generally make posts for a single new screenshot of a game, but since it’s been so long since we last saw Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse, let’s break tradition!

Here’s the latest image shared by WayForward on Twitter:


XSEED released the first Retro Game Challenge in North America, but has confirmed numerous times that there are no plans to localize the sequel. The company doesn’t believe it would be viable from a sales standpoint to invest in the DS title.

But interestingly, Renegade Kid recently expressed interest in handling Retro Game Challenge 2 for XSEED. Co-founder Jools Watsham said on Twitter yesterday that a DSiWare release “would do great on the eShop.”

Check out all of Watsham’s comments below:

Source, Via

Japan is getting yet another Picross game next week. Jupiter will release Picross e5 on June 11 for 500 yen. Screenshots can be found above.

A release teaser has been released ahead of 1001 Spikes coming to the eShop in North America today.

It’s coming today in North America but for those of you who can’t wait, here’s some fresh footage of 1001 Spikes. Will you be picking it up?

Update: Here’s a look at what’s new:


The 2.0 update for Steel Diver: Sub Wars is now available. To obtain it, head on over to the eShop and initiate the patch download. Simple enough!


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