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Nintendo crowned champions in two separate tournaments today during the E3 video game trade show in Los Angeles.

In the 2017 Pokkén Tournament DX Invitational, four teams battled it out in a crew battle, with the winning team of YouTube star MatPat and pro-gaming player Allister Singh each taking home a framed Pokkén Tournament DX art piece signed by Tsunekazu Ishihara, president and CEO of The Pokémon Company, and developers from BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.

Later, during the 2017 ARMS Open Invitational, four expert gamers competed in a single-elimination tournament against four E3 attendees. The winner Jamal “Zerk” Mackey, an E3 attendee that qualified for the tournament in the Nintendo booth today, received the coveted 2017 ARMS Open Invitational Belt. He also got the chance to face-off against the Kosuke Yabuki, the producer of ARMS, in an exhibition match.


GameSpot reported today that after reaching out to Capcom, the publisher has no plans to localize Monster Hunter XX for the west. The series’ official Twitter account has since put out the following:

Admittedly, that comment doesn’t really clarify the situation. Capcom did tack on “at this time” though, so perhaps they don’t want to rule out localization entirely. GameSpot also didn’t post Capcom’s original statement word-for-word – it was instead a paraphrase – so that certainly doesn’t help things.

In any case, Monster Hunter XX isn’t heading west… for now. It’s unclear if and when that will change.


Monster Hunter XX - Nintendo Switch

Monster Hunter XX may end up being a Japanese-only title – at least for the time being. GameSpot got in touch with the company directly to ask about any plans for a western release. Unfortunately, Capcom said it has no plans to localize the game. If that ever changes, we’ll definitely let you know.

Monster Hunter XX originally came out on 3DS last year. If you’re interested in the upcoming Switch release though, importing could be an option for some as the system is region-free.


Glixel has a massive interview up with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. We’ve included some of the excerpts below, but there’s much more here.

When Nintendo unveiled Metroid: Samus Returns for 3DS yesterday, a special version of the game was announced. In North America, the Metroid: Samus Returns Special Edition comes with a copy of the game, sound selection CD, and a reversible title-sheet insert.

Europe will be getting the same package, but with extra goodies included. Nintendo is packing in a download code for the original Game Boy game Metroid II: Return of Samus on the eShop, a SteelBook, gold “S” pin badge, a Morph Ball 3D keyring, and a 40-page artbook.

Source, Via

This information comes from Nintendo’s Yoshio Sakamoto…

“It’s the same game. … All of the fundamental design is the same … in that the basic map structure is all based off the Metroid II map. Basically what we’ve done is we’ve used this new technology that we have at our fingertips to just polish up what was already there and to improve upon it. Maybe the thing that felt so different was that it was in full color.”

On whether Samus Returns is getting the same expansion as Zero Mission…

“I believe that yes you can go ahead and look forward to some of those same experiences that you had with Zero Mission.”

On whether we’ll get an additional layer of back story like Zero Mission…

“[In] this game there’s a lot of background, there’s a lot of lore involved in this title. But it’s not like a novel or something. It incorporates the lore, but it’s not integral to the gameplay experience. It’s in the background more than in the foreground. There is definitely information for the players to get that revolves around sort of the larger storyline.”

The second day of Nintendo’s E3 2017 festivities will be kicking off soon. Treehouse Live will be back at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET / 6 PM in the UK / 7 PM in Europe. Pokken Tournament and ARMS Invitationals will be held as well.

You can watch Nintendo’s latest E3 activities below. We’ll bring you any notable news we come across as well as recordings of each Treehouse segment.

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