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Wonder Boy Collection gameplay

Gameplay has emerged for Wonder Boy Collection, a new package for Switch. The release contains Wonder Boy, Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Wonder Boy in Monster World, and Monster World IV.

Below is some additional information:

Mr. Prepper

In partnership with developer Rejected Games, Ultimate Games has announced the release of Mr. Prepper on Switch.

The survival title previously debuted on PC with a positive reception. It’s a survival game with elements of crafting and adventure. One of its highlights is a unique shelter building system that’s meant to withstand the effects of a nuclear apocalypse.

TEN trailer

Ratalakia Games and The Bworg have readied a new trailer for TEN: Ten Rooms, Ten Seconds. The video celebrates the launch of the challenging platformer following its release this week.

Here’s some additional information about TEN:

OPUS: Echo of Starsong - Full Bloom Edition

Nintendo released a new video today showcasing a few European digital game highlights from May 2022. You can watch it below.

Post Void release date

Super Rare Games and YCJY Games have shared a final release date for Post Void, their arcade style first-person shooter. The Switch title will be ready to go on July 21, 2022.

Here’s some information about the game:

sonic frontiers combat

Another gameplay video has surfaced for Sonic Frontiers with a specific focus on combat.

The video comes as part of IGN’s month-long showcase of the upcoming Switch title. Earlier in the week, we got our first glimpse of gameplay. That was followed by a lengthier video coming in at seven minutes.

Wytchwood physical

Super Rare Games has announced a partnership with Whitethorn Digital and Alientrap to produce a physical version of Wytchwood on Switch.

Each copy comes with all the current content on its cart, a full-color manual, interior artwork, an exclusive sticker, and trading cards. 4,000 copies will be made.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R Noriaki Kakyoin

Another character trailer has gone live for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R, and this time around we have a video for Noriaki Kakyoin. The character uses his long range stand, Hierophant Green.

Here’s some information about JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R:

Devolver Direct 2022

Devolver Direct 2022 will be taking place on June 9, 2022, Devolver Digital has announced. It will be held as part of Summer Game Fest.

Devolver Direct will continue the “story” that started with with Nina Struthers in 2017. It’s been teased that “Mecha Suda51” will act as a host (Suda51 is the creator of No More Heroes). Sprinkled in the madness will be a few new announcements here and there, some of which should have some relevance to Switch.


Original (5/16): Publisher PID Games and developer Sword N’ Wands have announced Ruggnar. It will be available for Switch in June.

Ruggnar is a platformer, but a bit of a different one at that. While most games in the genre have enemies, there isn’t any of that here. Instead players will be dealing with traps like axes, fireballs, and more.

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