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Nintendo Switch

Every now then, a slew of untitled SKUs pop up in GameStop’s system. That has happened once again. As spotted within the retailer’s internal system, 10 mystery Switch titles have been listed at GameStop.

Something similar happened roughly a month ago. On May 10, 16 SKUs were spotted. That number has dropped since then, though there have been announcements over the past few weeks that likely took up some of those spots.


Finalboss Games, developer of Vesta, has announced a new project. Super Dodgeball Beats is in development and is planned for Switch.

Super Dodgeball Beats is a rhythm/musical game that mixes competition with power ups. A campaign is included that features three leagues as well as a multiplayer mode.

Fire Emblem Heroes recently added in some new content with the latest Voting Gauntlet and Ryoma Special Maps. Have a look at some footage of both below.

Mario Tennis Aces Pre-launch Online Tournament Demo

The Mario Tennis Aces Pre-launch Online Tournament went live in Europe and Japan several hours ago. North America has since joined in on the fun, as it has launched stateside.

You’ll be able to try out the tournament feature this weekend. It’s also possible to play against the CPU and practice with some tutorials.

Thanks to StrawHatEevee for the tip.

Several new games out came out this week on the eShop. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

With Pirate Pop Plus reaching Switch yesterday, 13AM Games published a trailer to celebrate. Get a look at the video below.


The first-person shooter Paladins was updated once again today. Marxally has dug through the files and code, and has discovered even more evidence of a potential Switch release.

The first find is that the Joy-Con pictures have been updated and the colors have changed. This could be just a test or a bug though since the colors appears to be reversed:

A listing on GameStop reveals a new Crash Bandicoot-themed controller. It’s on track for a June 29 release, priced at $24.99.

Here’s additional information and images:

Chucklefish issued the latest blog post for Wargroove today. This time around, the developer is going over how naval combat works in the turn-based strategy game.

Here’s the full lowdown:

BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle

Arc System Works has outlined what BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle players will be able to stream and upload when the fighter launches next week.

Matches, tutorial videos, online gameplay, and similar things of those nature are allowed. However, streaming story mode is forbidden. Arc System Works may allow “very short clips of Episode Mode content up to Chapter 2”, though only for video content.

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