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Troll and I will be available for Switch on August 15, Maximum Games has confirmed. The game had been announced for Nintendo’s console earlier this year.

The Switch version of Troll and I lets players use the Joy-Con controllers for both solo and split-screen co-op gameplay.

Here’s the latest trailer:

A patch for Troll and I will be issued on other formats with a number of improvements:

– Addition of a mini-map
– Additional checkpoints
– Easy, Normal and Hard difficulty settings
– Increased crafting speed
– New tutorials
– Additional text hints
– Increased resources for crafting and survivability
– Overall balance improvements

According to Maximum Games, the Switch version will receive these changes when it launches in August. The game will be priced at $29.99.

Source: Maximum Games PR

2K Sports appears to be taking the Switch version of WWE 2K18 seriously. When a fan claimed that the game would likely be based off an older release in the franchise from the Xbox 360, the official WWE 2K Twitter account noted that it’s “not based on previous gen versions”.

The tweet reads:

Thanks to Jake for the tip.


French website Jeuxvideo was recently able to speak with ARMS producer Kosuke Yabuki. Plenty of topics were brought up, including the original prototype and how the team approached development, the most popular characters / modes, update plans (including an interesting tease coming with Max Brass’ patch), interest in a sequel, and more.

We’ve rounded up some of the more notable excerpts below. Note that the responses were automatically translated with Google, so some of the comments are a bit rough in spots. However, it’s mostly understandable on the whole.

UK retailer GAME is now taking pre-orders for the Metroid: Samus Returns Legacy Edition. You can reserve a copy here. Note that supply is expected to be extremely limited.

More: ,

A fairly sizeable patch is hitting Pokemon Duel tomorrow, and it’ll bring with it quite a few balance updates. Here’s what’s changing:


  • Changed the effect of Still (Snorlax can’t be affected by any special conditions other than Sleep)
  • Increased the power of Body Slam to 110; can now paralyze
  • Increased the power of Pound to 70; increased wheel size
  • Decreased miss wheel size


  • Changed the effect of Flame Acceleration (adds plus 10 to the damage value for each Pokemon in your PC)


  • Increased the wheel size of Fire Blast
  • decreased the wheel size of Gust


  • Techno Charge’s effect now lasts until the next time Techno Blast is used


  • Increased the Power of Vice Grip to 50
  • Increased the wheel size of Guillotine and Seismic Toss
  • decreased miss wheel size

It’s Tuesday, meaning that new content has gone live in Pokemon Shuffle. First up, a special stage for Alola Cap Pikachu is now available. You have until July 18th to clear it.

A Mew Escalation Battle will be available until July 25th. Beating it repeatedly nets you rewards, up to level 500.

Until July 18th, you can take part in the Shiny Mega Rayquaza competitive stage. As always, earning more points and getting a higher rank gets you better rewards.

Finally, the Registeel event is back, giving you another chance to obtain the Steel type Pokemon.


This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Cars 3: Driven to Win (NSW/PS4) – 8/8/8/8
Farming Simulator 18 (3DS) – 6/7/7/6
GoNNER (NSW) – 7/7/7/8
Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy (3DS) – 9/9/8/8
MXGP3: The Official Motocross Videogame (PS4) – 7/8/7/8
Portal Knights (PS4) – 8/8/8/7
Rabi Laby: Puzzle Out Stories (PSV) – 6/7/6/6
StarBlood Arena (PS4) – 7/7/7/8
Sumikko Gurashi: Koko, Dokonan Desu? (3DS) – 7/8/7/7
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] (PS4/PS3/PSV) – 8/8/8/8
World Election (PSV) – 8/7/8/7

If you’ve played around with the Splatoon 2: Splatfest World Premiere demo a bit, you might have stumbled upon the food truck run by Crusty Sean. You can buy different types of food there which gives you a variety of bonuses, such as increased experience earned in multiplayer battles. However, you can’t buy this food with money – instead, you need meal tickets. In the Splatfest World Premiere demo, it’s not really clear how to obtain these tickets. The Splatoon Twitter account has now revealed they can be gotten in Hero Mode and in Salmon Run. Like the special pieces of gear that can only be obtained in Salmon Run, this is another example of how the various modes interact with each other and how rewards earned in one of them can help you in another.



Quite a bit of Fire Emblem Heroes news today: first up, the Yamada Kotaro challenge is now live. Like the Kozaki Yusuke challenge before it, this pits you against teams used by Yamada Kotaro, an artist and character designer who’s  worked on the Fire Emblem series for a while now. For Heroes, he has designed Narcian and Lyn. If you beat the various challenge maps and the corresponding quests, you can earn a large variety of rewards.

New daily quests have also appeared. There are fairly simple, requiring you to defeat 10 and 20 enemies, respectively, and win two Arena duels.

Finally, the next new Grand Hero Battle has been announced. It will feature Berkut from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. It will start sometime next week.


ARMS was one of a few games Nintendo featured at Japan Expo last week. On Twitter, Nintendo sent out a special drawing done by art director Masaaki Ishikawa. Check it out above.



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