Mario Kart Tour announces upcoming Animal Tour and Moo Moo Mii Racing Suit
Posted on 2 years ago by Nicolas in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Mario Kart Tour has announced that the next Tour coming to the game will be an Animal Tour. The Tour will feature a new returning course, GCN DK Mountain, as well as a number of new driver and kart elements, including a version of Luigi using the Super Leaf power-up.
Wave 19 of Mii Racing Suits will also be made available, with this wave consisting of one suit based on the cows from fan-favorite course Moo Moo Meadows.
You can watch trailers showcasing the new Animal Tour and Moo Moo Mii Racing Suit below.
More: DeNA, Mario Kart Tour
Unique downloads of Nintendo mobile apps surpass 800 million
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Across all of Nintendo’s mobile apps, downloads have surpassed the 800 million mark. That’s according to president Shuntaro Furukawa, who shared the figure during a financial results briefing today.
Fire Emblem Heroes has been Nintendo’s most profitable mobile game to date. The company has also released Mario Kart Tour, Super Mario Run, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, Pikmin Bloom, and Dragalia Lost. The last one in that list, Dragalia Lost, will close its servers at the end of this month.
Pokemon Unite getting Pokemon Scarlet / Violet collaboration
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News, Switch, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet are about to launch, and a new in-game event is planned for Pokemon Unite to celebrate.
Starting November 18, Pokemon Unite players can receive Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet themed Trainer fashion items, stickers for their Unite snapshots, and more. This will be available until February 1, 2023.
Pikmin Bloom update out now (version 57.0), update out now
Posted on 2 years ago by Nicolas in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Pikmin Bloom has received a new update, bringing the game to version 57.0.
The update adds the ability to share Mii Avatar photos, expands notification badge functionality and improves the design of event tasks.
Here are the full patch notes for the update:
More: Niantic, Pikmin Bloom, title update
Pokemon GO Greedy Gluttons event to add Guzzlord
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Niantic today announced a Pokemon GO Greedy Gluttons event which will include the debut of Guzzlord (as well as Shiny Munchlax). It’ll be held between Wednesday, November 9, 2022, at 10 AM local time to Thursday, November 17, 2022, at 8 PM local time.
Here’s the full rundown on Greedy Gluttons:
More: Niantic, Pokemon GO
Mario Kart Tour update out now (version 3.1.0), patch notes
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
The latest Mario Kart Tour update has started distribution, with Nintendo going live with version 3.1.0.
Adjustments have been implemented in various areas, including Battles which now shows the number of players remaining and number of balloons popped. Several issues have also been addressed.
The full patch notes for the Mario Kart Tour version 3.1.0 update are as follows:
More: Mario Kart Tour, title update
Pokemon Masters EX adds new N Story Event and Hugh Spotlight Scout
Posted on 2 years ago by Nicolas in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Some new events have gone live in Pokemon Masters EX. Continuing the theme of Unova-related events, a new story event centered around N, Hilda, and Hilbert and a Hugh Spotlight Scout have both been made available, as well as the Sinnoh variation of the Champion Stadium and a new Training Area Rally.
Here are the details on these events:
More: DeNA, Pokemon Masters EX
Fire Emblem Heroes announces Wyvern Ninja summoning event
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes has unveiled its latest summoning event known as Wyvern Ninja. This will kick off at the beginning of next week and will also bring about a new Paralogue Story.
The lineup will feature Camilla: Midnight Doom (voiced by Misty Lee, art by Sencha), Cherche: Shaded by Wings (voiced by Amanda Miller, art by kaya8), Heath: Wyvern Ninja (voiced by Nathaniel Lane, art by motsutsu), and Laegjarn: Flame and Frost as a duo (voiced by Abby Trott + Heather Hogan, art by cuboon). Camilla has the learnable skills Flowery Scroll, Glimmer, Close Salvo, Seal Res 4, and Atk/Res Hold. Cherche can use Wyvern Ono, Ignis, A/D Near Trace 3, and Atk/Def Hold. The skills for Heath are Wyvern Yumi+, Bonfire, Atk/Def Catch 3, and Pulse Smoke 3. Finally, the lineup for Laegjarn is Flamefrost Bow, Moonbow, Atk/Res Catch 4, Seal Def 4, and Atk Smoke 4.
Brand new Pokemon seemingly leaked in Pokemon GO files
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News, Switch | 0 comments
Pokemon GO dataminers have uncovered what appears to be a brand new Pokemon. The creature has never been seen before, and there’s been no word on it officially thus far from The Pokemon Company.
Twitter account poke_miners came through with the news today. According to the fan page, the Pokemon was added with a file named “pmMystery”. It’s referred to as pm1080, which is assumed to be Pokemon number 1080. Right now it only has associated 3D assets, so there’s nothing in 2D form yet.
We know that unannounced information can be sensitive to some fans, so we’ve included the picture and tweet after the break.
More: Game Freak, Niantic, Pokemon GO, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, top
Fire Emblem Heroes update out next week (version 6.11.0), patch notes
Posted on 2 years ago by Nicolas in Mobile, News | 0 comments
A new update for Fire Emblem Heroes has been announced, with the game’s 6.11.0 update set to arrive early next week.
The most notable additions are that the Legendary and Mythic Heroes Eliwood: Blazing Knight and Yune: Chaos Goddess will be receiving new skills to increase their viability. Additionally, you can expect the usual set of content additions, such as new Memento Events, an update to the lineup of Limited-Time Combat Manuals, new weapon skills and weapons to refine, some changes made to Summoner Duels and Aether Raids, and a couple of new characters being added to to the Heroic Grails summon pools.
The full patch notes for the update are as follows: