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During the 2017 Game Developers Conference today, Niantic announced that its hit mobile game Pokemon GO has exceeded 650 million downloads.

Niantic chief technology officer Phil Keslin mentioned that trainers have now walked roughly 8.7 billion kilometers (5.4 billion miles) while playing Pokemon GO. Keslin said that distance is “just shy of Pluto”, but it’s actually closer since Pluto is about 7.5 billion kilometers (4.67 billion miles) away even at its farthest distance from Earth.

Keslin added that Niantic intends to keep Pokemon GO fresh with regular content updates.


Fire Emblem Heroes adding in a bunch of content earlier today. New heroes are available, as well as Paralogue Maps: Sibling Bonds and related special quests. Watch some footage below.

Dataminers have poked through the latest Fire Emblem Heroes update and once again found out about some upcoming content. First of all, as we correctly predicted, the next Grand Hero Battle will feature Ursula from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. An upcoming focus banner was also datamined; if the previous one is any indication, this focus will be available during Ursula’s Grand Hero Battle. The 5-star Heroes featured on this focus are Nino, Felicia, Setsuna and Effie.


Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“A stealthy comeback! Ninja Style Returns” is the returning theme. The stages provide the following:

– Demon ninja hood
– Demon ninja armor
– Ninja katanas: “Twin Dragons”
– Ninja bomber jacket
– Deadly blossom hairband
– Deadly blossom ninja suit
– Kunai necklace
– Shuriken
– Ninja dog scarf (set)
– Ninja dog outfit (set)
– Arabesque bandana
– Scrollwork jacket

The returning stages will be available until February 28 at 6 PM PT / 9 PM ET.


To celebrate Pokemon’s latest anniversary, formally known as Pokemon Day, Pikachus encountered in Pokemon GO will come wearing a festive party hat. We now have a look at this above.

The event with Pikachu kicks off on February 26. It ends on March 26.


Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find a new stage, along with some brand new items.

“Loud and in your face! Decourageous Fashion #2” is the new stage. It includes the following:

– Mischievous monster hood
– Mischievous monster top
– Lots o’ monsters tee
– Monster staring contest shoes

And as far as the new items go, you can nab the following:

– Wellington glasses
– Bomber jacket with crest
– Ripped jeans with lace patches
– Double-strip high-tops
– Butterflies


Nintendo has just put out a notice about another new feature on the way to Fire Emblem Heroes in March. With an update, Inherit Skill will be added. Players will be able to pass down skills between units.

Nintendo wrote on Twitter:


The Fighting Gym Cup is now live in Pokemon Duel, featuring new figures and trophies. Watch some footage of it below.

Fire Emblem Heroes added in the Grand Hero Battle earlier today, providing players with a chance to win over Robin as an alley. Take a look at some footage below.

Pokemon Duel’s next event has started. The Fighting Gym Cup will last until March 2nd – for the duration of this event, all Fighting types with 1 or 2 movement get an additional 1 movement, and all Psychic-type white and gold attacks get an Attack increase of +20. Getting win streaks during this event will net you Gym Boosters which contain new figures like Dragonair and Deoxys’ Normal Forme.


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