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Switch eShop

My Friend Pedro

Devolver Digital has kicked off a new sale on the Switch eShop. Enter the Gungeon, Hotline Miami Collection, My Friend Pedro, and The Messenger are among the highlights.

Below is the full lineup of included games:

Super Lone Survivor

Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut made it to Wii U back in 2014. Superflat Games has now announced a new version of its psychological survival adventure known as Super Lone Survivor, and it’s coming to Switch.

Super Lone Survivor is a remake of the original game with a new “Ascending” scenario. Super Flat Games says “it has been rewritten from scratch in a modern engine”. Not much is known about the new scenario at present, but we do have confirmation that the Switch version is already running at 60 frames per second. Difficulty modes may also be included.

Here’s an overview of Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut, along with a trailer for the new Super Lone Survivor edition:


This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:


Several new games out came out this week on the eShop. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

The Game Bakers dated Haven for December 3 on most platforms this week. Unfortunately though, the Switch version has been delayed. Players on Nintendo’s console won’t be able to experience the RPG until the start of next year.

The Game Bakers co-founder and executive producer Audrey Leprince spoke with TechRaptor about the delay. Although the initial plan was to have all versions ready at the same time, the team encountered “unexpected challenges” from the coronavirus pandemic.

Leprince said:


Control wouldn’t be possible on Switch without cloud streaming technology, according to Remedy Entertainment communications director Thomas Puha.

Puha told Nintendo Life that the team did “some due diligence on what it would take to produce a Switch port with an external partner, but deemed it not possible for a variety of reasons.” There were a number of factors at play, including technical, finance, and personnel roadblocks.

Puha explained:

Angry Video Game Nerd 1 & 2 Deluxe has landed on Switch, and we have a launch trailer to celebrate. Check out the video below.

Angry Video Game Nerd 1 & 2 Deluxe is out on Switch digitally via the eShop.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe

Nintendo has put out a new video highlighting some of the games that were added to the eShop around October 2020. Get a look at it below.

Silesia Games is bringing Piotr Powroziewicz’s 2D RPG Azurebreak Heroes to Switch, according to an eShop listing. The game’s release is planned for November 19.

We have the following overview and trailer for Azurebreak Heroes:


Deep Silver and 5 Lives Studios have announced a series of updates for Winbound. The first patch is live on Switch, bringing the game to version 1.4.0.

Today’s update includes the new Witch Skin that enhances Kara’s abilities. There are also new Photo and Endless modes, improvements, and bug fixes.

Below are the full patch notes:

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