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Switch eShop

Reflection of Mine

Dark puzzle game Reflection of Mine launches on Switch on this week, check out some gameplay with the video below.

Reflection of Mine is expected to arrive on the Switch eShop on October 9.

Seers Isle

Seers Isle, an interactive graphic novel, is due out on Switch next week. View some gameplay footage in the video below.

Seers Isle arrives on October 15 for Switch via the eShop.

Vigil: The Longest Night

The 2D action RPG Vigil: The Longest Night will be available on Switch starting next week. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

Vigil: The Longest Night releases for Switch on October 14.


Ikenfell, Humble Games and Happy Ray Games’ turn-based tactical RPG, lands on Switch this week. Find some footage in the video below.

Ikenfell is due out on the Switch eShop on October 8.

Skatemasta Tcheco

New footage has emerged for Skatemasta Tcheco, the retro-style skateboard platformer. Have a look at the gameplay below.

Skatemasta Tcheco is due out for Switch as an eShop download on October 8.


Not Yet has announced that WarriOrb, an action platformer, is making its way to Switch this week. A release is planned for October 8 on the eShop.

Here’s an overview of WarriOrb, along with a trailer:

Reflection of Mine

Ratalakia Games and Redblack Spade today announced that Reflection of Mine, a dark puzzle game, is releasing on Switch. It’ll be available starting October 9.

Here’s an overview of the game, along with a trailer:

Disc Room

Devolver Digital, Jan Willem Nijman & Kitty Calis, Terri Vellmann, and Doseone have set a final release date for Disc Room. All sides today announced that the game is launching on October 22.

Here’s an overview of Disc Room, along with a trailer:

Skatemasta Tcheco

We recently reported that Skatemasta Tcheco the retro-style skateboard platformer Skatemasta Tcheco is heading to Switch this week. Another trailer for the game has now been published, which we have below.

Skatemasta Tcheco is slated for October 8 on the Switch eShop. Additional information can be found in our original post here.

Space Grunts

OrangePixel has announced that Space Grunts, its arcade action and turn-based roguelike title, is releasing on Switch today. It’ll be distributed as a digital title on the eShop.

Here’s an overview of Space Grunts, along with a trailer:

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