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Switch eShop

Game visibility on the eShop could pose problems in the future. The only section that highlights new titles is the “Recent Releases” section. Other than that, there’s a “Coming Soon” page showcasing some of the titles heading to Switch in the future and the “Search” function.

Games like Snipperclips and I Am Setsuna have already disappeared from the “Recent Releases” area, indicating that it holds a maximum of 24 entries. That means the only way you can stumble upon them is by searching.

One thing that could help in the future is by adding different pages to the Switch eShop. The store is a bit bare bones at the moment, especially when compared to Wii U and 3DS – both of which have various pages / shelves, charts, and more.


Hollow Knight is coming to Switch very soon, as Team Cherry wants to have the game out as close to the system’s launch as possible. You can get a feel for what the game has to offer with the following footage:

Thanks to GameSpot, we have another look at the upcoming Switch eShop game Snake Pass with 34 minutes of footage. We’ve included the video below.

A few new games out came out this week on the Wii U and 3DS eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

All of Nintendo’s digital shops will be down for several hours of maintenance at the start of April. This includes the Switch, Wii U, and 3DS eShops along with the Wii Shopping Channel and DSi Shop.

Nintendo’s maintenance schedule is as follows:

– 1 PM PT (April 3) – 5 PM PT (April 3)
– 4 PM ET (April 3) – 8 PM ET (April 3)
– 9 PM in the UK (April 3) – 1 AM in the UK (April 4)
– 10 PM in Europe (April 3) – 2 AM in Europe (April 4)


Switch has all sorts of different ways of playing. With Hamster’s Arcade Archives series, it looks like you can actually have a setup in which the screen is displayed vertically. This was discovered with the latest Neo Geo release, Neo Turf Masters, but it applies to the other titles as well.

The screen option admittedly doesn’t have a tremendous amount of use here. In the future though, it’ll be interesting to see if any other Switch games are made with a vertical format in mind.


This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta highlight SteamWorld Dig 2 and chat with Image & Form while taking on challenges. View the full episode below.

IGN managed to get some extensive gameplay of Snake Pass, hosted by one of the developers from Sumo. View the video below for 25 minutes of footage.

NeuroVoider isn’t out on Switch just yet, but it is coming at some point in the near future. Take a look at 25 minutes of gameplay below.

Little Inferno’s multiplayer patch can now be downloaded on Switch. For the first time, you and a friend can experience the game together.

Tomorrow Corporation passed along the news on Twitter:


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