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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Update (9/2): Nintendo has now removed the DLC page from its website. Some fans have also since been debating how much we should take the listing and the SNK copyright information at face value, but we’ll just have to wait and see when the official announcement is made.

Original (9/1): Super Smash Bros. Ultimate still has a couple of DLC characters left to reveal. Although Nintendo hasn’t officially shared their identities, we may have a clue about whats planned for the future.

Over on Nintendo UK’s page for Smash Bros. Ultimate, SNK is mentioned as part of the copyright information for Challenger Pack 4. This would suggest that the fourth DLC release will feature a representative from Samurai Shodown, King of Fighters, or another one of SNK’s IPs. Either that’s happening, or it’s some sort of error.

We’ll keep you posted if we hear anything else regarding Smash Bros. Ultimate’s future DLC.


Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair has been given a release date. According to eShop listings, it will launch worldwide on October 8.

Here’s an overview of Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, along with a trailer:

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

With Nintendo opening the official Japanese website for Zelda: Link’s Awakening, we have a bit of new footage from the Switch remake. Check out the video below for a look at dungeons, Chamber Dungeons, and amiibo with Dark Link.

Amazon UK has now opened pre-orders for the Switch Lite – Zacian and Zamazenta Edition. You can reserve the system here.

This version of the device launches on November 8. Switch Lite will initially launch on September 20, and the grey/turquoise/yellow variations can be found on Amazon UK here.


The release of Daemon X Machina is fast approaching – it’ll be out next week, on September 13. Marvelous recently released the Japanese launch trailer for the game, which you can watch below:

The release of the Nintendo Switch Lite is fast approaching on September 20. Nintendo UK released a new commercial for it today, which you can watch below:

This week’s UK software sales are as follows:

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Nintendo has opened the official North American teaser site for Dragon Quest XI S. You can access the page here.

Although the site isn’t fully open, as usual, it already holds plenty of content. Fans can view one of the latest trailers and screenshots, access gameplay information, and more.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart. This week, Daemon X Machina appears for the first time.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between August 8 and August 21.

Developer Team Reptile has unveiled Dust and Ashes as a new character for Lethal League Blaze. Although a release date hasn’t been announced, the roster should be updated on Switch in the future with his addition.

Here’s a brief overview for Dust and Ashes:

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