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Marvelous has prepared a new batch of Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town screenshots. Among what’s shown, we’re given a look at Mary, Elli, Gray, Doctor.

Here’s the rundown of each character:

Marvelous has gone live with a new Satelight-made “Order Zero” prologue animation for its Switch exclusive Daemon X Machina. In it, we’re able to get a look at what transpired before the start of the actual game.

Here’s the video:

Those who pre-load Daemon X Machina can receive the Prototype Arsenal and Prototype Plugsuit, which were featured in the Order Zero animation.

GameXplain has shared some footage of the just-released Hero DLC in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, including the Yggdrasil’s Altar stage. Check out the video below.

Are you subscribed to Nintendo Switch Online? If so, you can now download the free Spirit Board Challenge Pack 1 for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It was just released on the Switch eShop for active members.

The pack includes some items that can be used from the Spirit Board mode in Smash Bros. Ultimate. The full contents are as follows:

The much anticipated 4.0.0 update for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is now live. Aside from the addition of Hero DLC, today’s patch includes some additional features, and of course, plenty of balance adjustments.

Below are the full patch notes:

Update 3: Bumped to the top. GameStop has opened pre-orders here.

Update 2: Best Buy has opened Switch Lite pre-orders here.

Update: Switch Lite – Zacian and Zamazenta Edition is up on Amazon here.

Original: Amazon has now opened pre-orders for the Switch Lite. The gray, yellow, and turquoise options are all live here.

Switch Lite launches around the world on September 20.

GameStop has announced an exclusive bonus for Zelda: Link’s Awakening purchases. If you buy the game, you’ll receive the double-sided poster pictured above.

You can pre-order Zelda: Link’s Awakening on GameStop here. The game arrives for Switch on September 20.

At E3 2019, an August 8 release date was announced for The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game. While that August launch month still holds true, it has been delayed slightly. We’ll now be seeing The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game on the Switch eShop starting August 29.

Here’s the latest information about The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game:

In a blog post detailing future plans for Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, which largely covers the new Grand Prix, Activision revealed that it will be adding microtransactions to the game.

Players will be able to purchase Wumpa Coin bundles starting in early August. Activision says this is optional, and it “won’t change the game’s core mechanics – players will still earn Wumpa Coins by playing the game in any mode, just as before.”

Here’s the full rundown on what’s to come for Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled:

Forager footage

Posted on 5 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments


Forager is out now on the Switch eShop, and some footage has now appeared. Take a look at the gameplay in the video below.

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