Splatoon 2 introduces a new special weapon
Posted on 7 years ago by Fernando in News, Switch | 0 comments
The japanese Splatoon Twitter account has been giving updates about some of the old and new weapons that we’ll be able to play with in Splatoon 2. Today, they’ve shown two returning weapons: the Splattershot Pro and its sub-weapon, the Point Sensor, which now will keep the tag effect a few seconds after the explosion so any player passing by in that period of time will get tagged.
But the all new special weapon that will be paired with this Splattershot Pro is the Ame Furashi (we still don’t know the English name). As its name in japanese suggests, it will create a rain cloud that will move around, so the opponents will be forced to retreat if they don’t want to get wet with ink.
Check out the screenshots below:
More: Splatoon 2
[Review] Disgaea 5 Complete
Posted on 7 years ago by Dennis Gagliardotto(@LyonHart_) in Reviews, Switch | 7 Comments
System: Switch
Release date: May 23, 2017
Developer: Nippon Ichi Software
Publisher NIS America
Since its initial launch in 2003, Disgaea has been a flagship series for Nippon Ichi Software – even using Prinny as a mascot – and continues to be nearly 15 years later, having multiple spinoffs and branching off into other mediums such as anime adaptations and manga. What’s made the franchise so great and successful over the years is that not only has it touched multiple platforms on both console and handhelds, but it’s had fun and engaging gameplay that goes beyond the typical layout and flow of a strategy RPG, bringing along a great cast of characters, settings, art, and music to boost. Now Disgaea 5 Complete is making the series’ return to Nintendo consoles on the Switch for the first time since Disgaea DS back in 2008, and packs in all DLC from the original release. Despite the game itself being nearly two years old at this point, it offers those who have held out or simply never jumped into a Disgaea game before a chance to give it a shot. And even though Disgaea isn’t always associated with Nintendo, Disgaea 5 Complete feels comfortable and right at home on Switch, giving RPG and SRPG enthusiasts alike a great new title to get their hands on and delve into.
More: Disgaea 5 Complete, highlight, Nippon Ichi, NIS America, top
35 minutes of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero footage on Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 5 Comments
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero arrives on Switch on Thursday. Catch an extensive look at the new version below with 35 minutes of footage.
Nyannyan Neko Mario Time episode 91
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, General Nintendo, Switch, Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
The latest episode of Nintendo’s Japanese show Nyannyan Neko Mario Time has now gone live. We’ve included it below.
More: Japan, Nyannyan Neko Mario Time
Another round of Japanese ARMS commercials
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Nintendo published another round of commercials for ARMS, releasing this month on Switch. View the latest adverts below.
More: Arms, commercial
Switch Pro Controller – Splatoon 2 Edition up for pre-order on Walmart
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 7 Comments
Walmart has opened pre-orders for the Splatoon 2 version of the Switch Pro Controller. You can reserve it here. It’s carrying a price tag of $75, which would be a bit more than the standard Switch Pro Controller.
Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase coming west this fall
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 8 Comments
Dispatch Games is teaming up with City Connection for the release of Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase in the west. The Switch title previously released in Japan via the eShop.
In North America, Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase appears to be a physical release judging by a packaging image included with today’s announcement. It’s scheduled for a fall release.
Find everything you need to know about Soldam: Drop, Connect, Erase below with an overview. We’ve also included the first official English trailer.
Pokken Tournament DX compatible with Wii U controller
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 46 Comments
Did you purchase the Pokken Tournament Pro Pad controller when the fighter came out on Wii U? If so, you’ll be happy to hear that it will be compatible with Pokken Tournament DX. That news comes straight from the official website, so that’s all the information we need.
Thanks to n128 for the tip.
More: Bandai Namco, Pokken Tournament DX
Splatoon 2 Edition Switch Pro Controller confirmed for July 21 release in North America
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 23 Comments
North America is joining the rest of the world with the Splatoon 2 Edition Switch Pro Controller. On its Twitter account, Nintendo just confirmed a July 21 release.
The message is as follows:
Splat your opponents in style with the #Splatoon2 Edition #NintendoSwitch Pro Controller, available July 21! pic.twitter.com/Xg8onaBkhJ
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) June 6, 2017
More: Splatoon 2, top
Splatoon 2 Pro Controller spotted in North American Switch trailer
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 4 Comments
A little while ago, Nintendo released a new summer trailer for Switch promoting three games coming to the system this system. Among them was Splatoon 2.
In the video, we’re able to see the Splatoon 2 Switch Pro Controller. The hardware hasn’t been announced for North America yet, but that might be changing soon based on today’s video.