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It’s almost tough to believe that Switch and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild are finally here. With Switch, we’ve been waiting on it ever since late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata teased it as NX two years ago. The wait for Zelda has been even longer as it was first mentioned in a January 2013 Nintendo Direct.

It may only be around two days, but we’d love to hear about what everyone thinks of Switch and Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Have they lived up to your expectations? Are they disappointing you in any way? Let us know in the comments below.

Highlights from last week’s topic: Will you play Switch more as a console or a portable?

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Skylanders Imaginators is one of the launch games for Switch, and Activision has a new trailer up for the game. You can check it out below.

Glixel recently published an interview with Bethesda Game Studios’ executive producer Todd Howard. During the chat, Howard was able to comment a bit more on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for Switch.

First, Howard was asked about how Skyrim for Switch came about. He shared the following:

“When it comes to the Switch, Nintendo’s the only company that can do that, right? When you hear that Nintendo’s going to do a new platform, there’s a lot of ways that can go. If you look at handheld gaming, they’re still the best at it. If they say ‘we’re going to make the best handheld ever and you can plug it into your TV’, well that’s just really, really smart. I hope they do well and it’s a unique opportunity for us.”

Glixel also asked if Bethesda was talking with Nintendo for awhile:

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild finally introduces voice acting. Link doesn’t speak, but other characters do – including Zelda herself.

Patricia Summersett announced on Twitter that she’s behind the role of Zelda. It doesn’t seem as though she has a ton of experience with games, though she’s worked with Ubisoft on a few titles over the past few years. Summersett was also involved with Suikoden: Tierkreis.

Of course, this news only applies to the English version of Breath of the Wild. Other actors were brought in to handle the game in different languages.

Thanks to TDude73 for the tip.


It took awhile, but Choice Provisions finally confirmed Runner3 for Switch earlier this week. Making things even better is that the game is an exclusive for the system.

Speaking with MCV, producer Dant Rambo said that “Nintendo’s focus on accessibility and creating a platform for the hardcore and non-hardcore alike were the biggest factors for [Choice Provisions]” in creating the project only for the new console. Being able to play the game at home or on the go was another factor as well.

Rambo also said:

Unfortunately, we seem to have a situation on our hands with the HORI Licensed Premium Protective Filter made for Switch. At this point, we’d have to advise against purchasing the accessory.

It may not be entirely universal, but reviews on places such as Amazon are floating around that the protector peels off without prolonged use. Air bubbles are also forming for some. When using the dock in particular, that’s when the issues may begin to surface.

Making the situation even stranger is that HORI’s other, cheaper screen protector for Switch is apparently just fine. If we happen to hear anything about this accessory as well, we’ll let you know. 



Pre-orders are beginning to open for Ultra Street Fighter II. GameStop has the physical version here while Amazon has the digital version here. We’ll keep you informed about other pre-order options going forward.

GameStop again has the Gray Joy-Con Breath of the Wild Zelda Guide Bundle in stock. This comes with the Switch system, Pro Controller, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and strategy guide. Place an order here if interested.


A neat Easter egg is tucked away inside of the Switch Pro Controller. When moving the right analog stick down, you might see a small bit of text that appears. It’s tough to make out, but the message says: “thx2 allgamefans!”

How neat is that? I have to admit, had this not been brought to my attention, I wouldn’t have noticed it.


Nintendo’s online store has now been updated with a new section for Switch. You’ll find replacement parts and accessories here, including the dock, grip, and more. You can check up on the full selection here.

Thanks to Reid P for the tip.

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