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Game Informer now has its full interview up with Eiji Aonuma about The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. The project’s producer tackled topics like the art style, trying to expand on Skyward Sword, whether the team was inspired by particular open world games, music, logo, dungeons, and more.

Head past the break for Aonuma’s comments. For the full interview, head on over here.

IGN is back with another feature on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The site has more commentary from producer Eiji Aonuma, Shigeru Miyamoto, and Bill Trinen on the game. Topics include towns, Link’s clothing (including the blue tunic), missions, and story.

Head past the break for the rundown of Aonuma, Miyamoto, and Trinen’s comments on these aspects. The rest can be found here.

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has once again sounded off about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The latest comments were published by Associated Press, in which Reggie speaks about mixing up the Zelda formula, offering players an “open-air experience”, and how the new game will be a system seller.

Below are all of Reggie’s words on Breath of the Wild:

“The typical Zelda formula has been going from dungeon to dungeon, beating a variety of different bosses, to get better weapons. The formula has been totally up-ended. You’re in a wide-open space, you can do whatever you want, but your weapons will break over time, you have to find different types of elements to solve puzzles. So, it’s an open-air experience – that’s what we’re calling it – where you as the player can essentially navigate through this wide open world.”

“We wanted to focus on this new Zelda experience because we knew that once fans got a chance to play that it would increase their desire for the game. And the fact that we’ll be launching it simultaneously on Wii U and NX (upcoming Nintendo console) really means that we’ve just shared with consumers around the world the system seller or one system seller for NX. So that’s why we’ve focused on it, there’s lots of time to share more details about our upcoming system, but right now it’s all about Zelda.”

Update (6/24): Nintendo reached out to Game Informer to clarify their story. It’s not 100 employees from Monolith Soft working on the game – just confirmed to be 100 from Nintendo in general.

Original (6/17): We already knew that Xenoblade Chronicles developer Monolith Soft was involved with Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but now we have further confirmation of that. Shigeru Miyamoto told Game Informer that more than 100 staffers from the company are working on the project.

He said:

“Yes they are involved in this Zelda. People from Tokyo and Kyoto are working together on this. There is a team of over 100 [from Monolith] helping work on this project, and their work has really been helpful.”


Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has confirmed that Breath of the Wild will focus purely on a single-player experience. However, that isn’t to say he isn’t interested in multiplayer – far from it actually.

Aonuma told IGN when it comes to multiplayer and Zelda:

“I would like to take what I learned from Breath of the Wild and see if we can somehow fuse those learning points into another multiplayer Zelda. For example, with Triforce Heroes, which followed a similar format of Four Swords, there was a multiplayer involved in that game. That’s definitely a possibility and we will continue to [experiment] throughout the Zelda franchise.”

When Zelda: Breath of the Wild was first teased in a January 2013 Nintendo Direct, Aonuma spoke about going against the conventions of Zelda. One of these points involved challenging the notion of playing by yourself. While it doesn’t seem like Breath of the Wild will be tackling this in the end, perhaps it’s something we can look forward to in the future.


Zelda games – the mainline console ones in particular – have a propensity to be delayed. When asked why this tends to happen, Shigeru Miyamoto told Kotaku:

“First of all, it would be great if I didn’t have to put a release date out at all. But I have to.”

“I think there’s different reasons for delays. One could be that the direction just hasn’t been decided, which is probably the worst kind of delay. And the other is that the direction has been decided but putting that into reality—implementing that—is taking time. So it might have taken us six months to do this much. It’ll take us a year to do that much.”

Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma also weighed in, sharing the following:

We’ve yet to see Link’s classic green tunic in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Is it in the game, or will it be absent this time around? Shigeru Miyamoto won’t say.

GameRant approached Miyamoto at E3 last week about the tunic. He said:

“I don’t know, but there are just a lot of clothes in this game. So maybe if we had green clothes people would want to wear it all the time. And yeah, with the variety of clothes you get, that this game offers, you can really customize your character. And I can’t really divulge too much more than this.”

Zelda producer Aonuma was similarly quiet when asked about the tunic as well.


Xbox boss Phil Spencer was asked by one fan on Twitter for his thoughts on NX. He only had good things to say, and also managed to give Zelda: Breath of the Wild in the process.

Spencer’s tweet is as follows:

Spencer has always been pretty positive when it comes to Nintendo, so it’s nice to see that continue! You may recall that he praised the big N a couple of years ago for its developers and franchises.

Source, Via

Warner Bros. has brought several games to Wii U over the company’s lifespan, and it looks like that support will continue with NX. In an interview with GamesBeat, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment president David Haddad addressed a question about making games for the new systems on the way, including NX. He mentioned that the publisher has “great relationships with all the console platforms” and will “play a role in each of them.”

Warner Bros. was at Wii U’s launch with games such as Scribblenauts Unlimited and Batman: Arkham City – Armored Edition. That support has continued through to the present. In fact, next week, the company will ship LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Wii U.


In July 2014, Shigeru Miyamoto said that he didn’t want to label the new Zelda game as “open world”. He explained what he meant with this while speaking with IGN at E3 last week.

Miyamoto said:

“I think within the game industry or the tech industry, there’s a tendency to want to name everything. But I think it’s important for what we do that we don’t want to be dependent or swayed by the technology and what’s available now.”

“We want to use the technology and the techniques that are available to make what we want to make. What’s important is to really express how we use that to make our experience unique. We didn’t want to just make a game where you can do anything, but we wanted to make sure that we make a game where the player is able to do anything, but it’s also a form of entertainment. It’s fun to do all of those things.”

“That’s why we felt that coming up with a name that we created would be best. The term ‘Open Air’ is a result of that. That’s what Bill [Trinen] uses a lot.”

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