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Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation physical

Limited Run Games is planning a physical release for Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation on Switch in the west, the company just announced.

Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation originally appeared digitally on Switch last August. We have some information about it below.

Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe

Nintendo has updated the Japanese release schedule on its platforms for the week of February 23, 2023. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital download schedule:


Charade Maniacs

Today, Idea Factory announced that Charade Maniacs will be released in English on Switch in the west. It’s due out sometime this summer.

Charade Maniacs is an otome title that previously appeared on the PlayStation Vita. It comes from the writer of Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, Uta Amamiya, and the illustrator of Norn9, Teita. 

Metroid Prime Remastered frame rate resolution

Metroid Prime Remastered ended up on Switch last week following a reveal in the latest Nintendo Direct, and Digital Foundry has now provided a technical analysis that includes coverage on aspects like frame rate and resolution. Retro Studios seems to have done a great job bringing back the GameCube classic here, and it’s closer to a remake.

Here’s the full roundup of tidbits:

Labyrinth of Galleria The Moon Society trailer

Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society is now seeing its initial launch in the west, and to celebrate, NIS America has shared a launch trailer. Today’s video gives us a final look at the dungeon crawler.

If you’re interested in learning more, read the following overview:

New GSD market data has revealed the best-selling games across Europe in January. Additionally, we have insight into hardware sales.

12.1 million games were sold in Europe last month, which is a 19 percent decline year-over-year. Pokemon Legends: Arceus had a strong splash in January 2022, and since there was nothing like that last month, that’s why the dip happened.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet distribution Love Balls and Destiny Knot

In celebration of Valentine’s Day, Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet are now hosting a pair of Mystery Gift distributions for Love Balls and Destiny Knot. 

The Love Ball makes it easier to catch Pokemon of the opposite gender to the user’s Pokemon. As for the Destiny Knot, this is an item to be held and if the holder becomes infatuated, the opposing creature will be as well. You’ll get two Love Balls here and one Destiny Knot.

Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society gameplay

Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society is almost here on Switch in the west, and we have a first look with new gameplay. We have a bunch of footage from the Switch dungeon-crawler.

Here’s an official overview:

System: Switch
Release Date: January 20, 2023
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo

Fire Emblem Engage comes just three years after the success of Three Houses, and though this seems like a quick turnaround for a series that has been known for its richness and depth, the new game streamlines a lot of mechanics and capabilities to make it much more intuitive and approachable without having to sacrifice any of the quality the franchise has seen with each new entry. It’s certainly a different flavor, tone, and direction, so those new to the series – or even long-time fans – may feel an odd sense of having to “relearn” Fire Emblem this time around. However, it’s yet another fantastic addition to a series that seems immune to any type of mediocrity.

US best selling games January 2023

NPD Group has released a listing of the top ten best-selling games in the U.S. for the month of January 2023.

Fire Emblem Engage made its debut, and seems to have done fairly well as it comes in at #5. Remember that the game launched during the middle of the month. Elsewhere we see a number of Nintendo games still on the chart and Sonic Frontiers is sticking around as well.

The results can be found below.

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