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Wii U eShop

Game Atelier has pulled the plug on its Kickstarter for Flying Hamster II. The studio is planning a relaunch in the future, which will include “a new approach and lots of improvements”.

Even more notable is that Game Atelier is teaming up with publisher FDG Entertainment to produce the game. Flying Hamster II will initially come to Steam, and “other ports will follow later.” Hopefully that means we’ll still be seeing the title on Nintendo platforms at some point in the future.


Capcom appears to be bringing two more Mega Man games to the Virtual Console. Today, Mega Man Battle Network 3’s Blue and White versions were rated by the OFLC. These two GBA titles should be made available for the Wii U Virtual Console in the future.


Check out the video above to hear some new music on the Wii U eShop!

Eclipse Games’ tabletop, arcade-style combat racer will be brought to the Wii U eShop.

Here’s a summary of features included in the game:

16 different cars with unique handling models
12 different tracks in 4 different locations which can be played in 5 different event types
Career mode comprising 48 events
Up to 4 player local multiplayer
Track editor to build and share your own tracks

You can find a beta trailer for Super Toy Cars above.


If you’ve been keeping up with the indie scene over the past few years, then the name “Bob’s Game” should sound familiar. Creator Robert Pelloni hoped to bring the game to the DS as an indie developer, but was ultimately rejected by Nintendo. Pelloni ended up holding a “protest”, took his campaign to Nintendo World, and things ultimately got out of hand before dying down.

Here we are a few years later… and Bob’s Game has returned. Pelloni has created a $10,000 Kickstarter campaign that even includes a Wii U and 3DS stretch goal ($75,000).

You can check out the Kickstarter page here.

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